𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞

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I woke up in the morning from chuckling, and as I opened my eyes I felt the bed moving. Jimin's and Tae's chuckles were heart warming, as I sleepily smiled at them both. Jimin was laying directly on top of Tae, waking us up.

Jimin rolled more into the small gap between Tae and I, making Tae grumble in loosing his touch from me.

"Hi noona" Jimin breathed out into my neck as I lazily put my arm over him.

Tae shifted his weight around and flung his leg over Jimin's hip, his foot ending on my thigh.

"What time is it?" Tae asked, his morning voice was deep with sleep.

"I think about eleven" Jimin mumbled back from pressing his face into my bare breasts.

Since the door was open, I saw somebody enter through it behind Tae. Jin gave me a small grin, as he quietly came up and quickly got into bed bedside Tae, making all of us chuckle.

"My poor bed" Tae grumbled, but was smiling even though his eyes were shut.

I eventually peeled myself away from the boys, who I left to hang out on Tae's bed on their phones.

As I went downstairs after using my bathroom, Yoongi was gently seeing along to music in the kitchen as he was cutting up some fruit bowls. I noticed how JK filtered into the room after giving me a wink, quickly taking some fruit away. We knew Yoongi wouldn't scold him but it was more fun for JK to sneak fruit.

I wrapped my arms around Yoongi's waist, and he pulled one arm up to encourage me to come around his front, as he leant his head on mine and carried on cutting up the fruit.

It was very soothing having my head leant against his chest, feeling the deep vibrations from him still quietly humming along to the music.

"Little, we've got to leave in a few hours" Joonie caught my attention as he came into the room.

I breathed out a little sound, just enjoying the cuddle.

"Tae better have left you alone last night" I heard Hobi's voice, and then a hand brushed back against my hair, and I looked to see Hobi giving me a soft smile before he bent down to kiss my temple.

"I did, you'll be glad to know," I heard Tae, "oh strawberries"

He flashed me a grin as he came into my eye line, reaching past Yoongi to grab some strawberries. Yoongi just passed him the whole punnet, making Tae thank him in return.

I pulled away from Yoongi before leaning up to peck him, and he pushed a fruit bowl into my hand. I leant back against the counter, and ate it slowly watching the men around me.

Joonie followed the sound of laughter, to join all of us. JK came up to me, and grabbed my hips to sit me up on the counter, so he could lean back into my spread legs that I wrapped around his tiny waist, still eating my fruit.

They all chatted with one another as I carried on eating my fruit, just smiling at all of their faces. It was moments like this, that made me know this was where exactly on where I was meant to be.

I went up into my bedroom, putting on my music as I showered to start getting ready.

And after a short while, as I went back into my bedroom, Jin and JK were sat on my bed, watching their latest RUN episode on my TV.

I scoffed as I saw Yoongi getting frustrated on the screen, I remember them filming this day about four months ago, they had to do so many little activities at the office.

Tae filtered into the room as I put on my lingerie, and went over to my vanity, very wary of the three pairs of eyes looking at me, their eyes trailing over my body.

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