𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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When it was time to land, my stomach was in knots. I leant over to Jin, grabbing his hand, "what if you and Joonie go ahead? And I'll stay behind and slip around the aftermath"

Jin pursed his lips, clearly not happy with that, "I'll text Sejin, the only way you can do that if security is with you. They can be waiting for you, after we leave"

I nodded. I understood that, he didn't want to leave me unprotected. 

Since we didn't have any luggage to pick up, it was pretty straight forward. Both Jin and Joonie looked longingly at me before I smiled and waved them away, staying in the arrivals lounge for five minutes before leaving myself. As soon as the boys went down the narrow walkway I could hear the clicks of cameras, and even some screams from fans that had made their way here as well. The plan was for the car to do a circle after picking up the boys, to collect me quickly.

Just as I started walking out of the lounge, pulling my cap down over my eyes, I felt my phone vibrate in my hand.

We are circling around now, little

I saw our security guard, he didn't purposely draw attention to me as he slowly came over and walked a few steps behind me. As I glanced around the large open space, there was a small furry of people, all glancing down at their cameras. You could also tell who were the fans, they were all crowding outside on their way in leaving.

Just as I was a few feet away from the automatic doors, I heard a murmur beside me from the group of men with cameras, that I had to walk past.

"Isn't that Layla?" One said.

My heart skipped a beat, and our security guard came right beside me, guiding my arm to get us through the door.

"Ah! It is!" Another said before the clicks from the cameras started going off.

I took a deep breath, my back was to them as we got outside, my security guard barking out stern orders at the men who tried to get around other people who had no idea what was going on. I looked up to see a handful of fans turn their heads in this direction, and they all gave bright smiles before I had to look away and search for the car. I almost laughed, the large black SUV skidded in the road, blocking traffic.

The sliding door was pulled open, and the security guard guided me inside as quickly as he could before a hand pulled at my arm and I gave Jin a small smile.

"Well, that's going to be all over the news outlets within the hour" I mumbled as I put on my seat belt.

Joonie sighed, reaching over to squeeze my shoulder briefly.

And proving me right, just as we were arriving home, my twitter feed on my dud account was filling up with Army's posts that were there at the airport. Their posts were being shared by others, and then the local news outlet was the quickest in releasing the pictures of us all arriving at the airpot.

However I pushed that to the back of my mind, I needed to see my men.

The front door opened just as I hopped out of the car, and Jiminie and Tae fought playfully to get to me first. I had the biggest grin on my face, before I got tackled by Jimin. As his face nuzzled into my neck, Tae gave me a boxy grin and bent down to kiss me slowly.

"I missed you, princess" he breathed out.

I smiled, "I missed you too, baby"

Jimin passed me off to Tae as we made our way inside. Yoongi was giving me a gum filled smile as he came down the corridor from his studio, and I let go from Tae to go into his open arms. We stayed like that for a few minutes until I felt someone grab a handful of my ass, and I knew who that would be.

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