𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐰𝐨

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I knew what I was going to say to Adam, so I tried to calm myself as I rested against the kitchen island, "hey Adam"

"You ok love? I saw Lily's text with this article before your text" he quickly breathed out.

At least it made it easier that I didn't have to explain the photos since he had seen them. But it still was a little strange Lily was sending him these things what seemed right away, as it was still quite early in the UK. That quickly made up my mind that she definitely would need to sign an NDA.

"Yeah, I'm ok, that's what I wanted you to call me about" I breathed out, glancing ahead of me at the group of men on the sofa's, Joonie muttered something quietly, and I wondered if he was translating for them all, which would be helpful.

"You do seem quite close with them there" Adam said back.

I took a deep breath, "I will explain it all, but not right now. I will do next weekend, I promise"

He was quiet for a few seconds, "ok, if that's what you want. I'm not going to pressure you, but you ok though yeah? It seems the Korean new articles have it out for you and your group at the minute"

I done a breathless laugh, "you have no idea. Seems like one thing after the other right at this moment"

"Is there nothing the company can do?" Adam asked.

I pursed my lips, "not really, it's just the culture here. They seem to be overly interested in the boys' private life"

Adam tutted, and then sighed.

"But like I said, I'll explain it all, I'd rather just do it in person" I added.

"Yeah I understand love. Right, I've got to get ready, I need to at the airport in a few hours for a flight to Italy" he muttered.

I smiled, "nice to see some things never change"

Adam chuckled, "see you soon love"

"Bye" I said, and ended the call.

JK jumped off the sofa and came over to me, pulling me into his strong chest. I relaxed slightly and I felt hands tug at my shoulders, putting a little pressure. I could tell just by the smell that it was Tae behind me.

"Well this has been an long ass day" Hobi muttered from behind me. I moved my head out of JK's chest to look around the room.

They all looked drained.

"Oh my god" I moaned.

All seven eyes looked at me quickly.

"The wrap party is tomorrow" I elaborated.

Yoongi leant his forehead down on the counter, making JK chuckle lightly, my head bobbling on his chest.

"They are all going to be staring" I added.

Joonie smiled gently at me, "doesn't matter. We can still enjoy ourselves. But we do need to be careful, no secret touches, the cameras will be on us"

Sounds of agreement filled the kitchen, and my stomach rumbled, making Yoongi lean away front the counter and look into the fridge. I pulled out of JK's chest and went over to him, putting my hand on the small of his back, and his hand snuck around my waist as he pressed a kiss to my temple.

"Shall we just order in?" Jin asked.

"We order take out way too much, you know" I breathed out.

Yoongi shrugged one shoulder, "it's easier than cooking for eight people every night. And we don't eat unhealthy so doesn't matter. It's not like we can't afford it"

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