𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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By the time we got home the following day, the boys all grumbled a tired goodnight, as I got tugged away by Hobi. His eyes glazed over me as I stripped, getting into bed with him and he tugged me back into his chest.

"Goodnight" I yawned, curling my arm under my head and turning away from him.

"Oh no you don't, sunshine" he growled, forcing me over onto my back and settling himself between my legs.

Giggling up at him as he looked down upon me, my lips instantly folded between my lips as his eyes filled with lust and I realised my first mistake.

"Shirt off" he commanded, pulling the fabric up over my breasts, exposing my torso to the cool air.

Keeping his eyes locked on mine as I rid myself of his shirt, the hunger in his eyes told me I was in for a real treat tonight. No amount of hard work would keep me from turning hard dom Hobi down and the excitement at the thought sent a bolt of lust straight to my core. Licking over my left hip bone and sucking on the skin, he traced the other with his hand, soft and light, it tickled and I couldn't help but accidentally let out another little giggle.

"That my sunshine, has earned you a punishment" he stares up at me, his eyes sparkled like dark beads.

Gasping at the feeling of his flattened palm coming down hard on my bare thigh, my body tried to force them together, just for him to force them open and looked at my clothed heat with nothing but carnal hunger in his eyes. Hooking his fingers into my underwear, he slid them past my knees and down my calves at a torturing slow rate, making my breathing become erratic with anticipation.

Taking my clit in his mouth he drives his tongue in circular motions, sporadically licking my slit slowly to frustrate me even further makes me let out a groan in frustration, paying no mind to my grinding hips and whining whimpers. Keeping his evil plan in motion, he tortures me for a few minutes more, making my head roll around on his pillow in a whimpering mess.

"Please let me cum, please," I whine and he stops completely, "no, please don't stop"

"Looks like you've got a lot to say, let's shut that pretty mouth of yours" He grabs his leather belt from the floor and places the leather inside my mouth on my flattened tongue, whilst strapping the buckle around my head.

"Tap out if you need to... do you understand?" he whispered, pecking my temple and I nod profusely just wanting him to start his sweet torture all over again.

"Eyes on me"

I watch as he dives his tongue inside my lips, eagerly devouring every inch of my pussy, he's squeezing my ass with sheer force of desperation to lap up every single drop. As he comes up for air, he nuzzles my clit, my arousal coating his chin and nose.

My moans are muffled by the strap of leather, as he continues his assault, plunging his fingers deep within my walls, curling them relentlessly. I can hear my juices sloshing in his palm as he continues to fuck me with his fingers, he growls and without warning sinks his cock inside me making me let out a muffled scream and throw my head back.

Gritting his teeth as he rocks his hips in long, hard thrusts, his eyes stay locked on mine, making sure I am abiding by his one request but the sensation is all too much.

Squeezing my eyes shut in protest, I feel my orgasm hit like a freight train, constantly coming with no end in sight.

"Oh fuck" his cock is pushed out by the extra gushing pressure of my orgasm, soaking him and the bed beneath me.

Unlatching the catch to the buckle behind my head my saliva drips from the leather as he carefully removes it from my mouth, licking the rest away and kissing my aching jaw. Moving his lips across my bare chest as I gasp for breath beneath him, I have no time to react before I find myself flipped over on all fours, baring my soaking hole for him as he hums in approval.

"Look at your tight hole, it's beautiful, I'm going to enjoy stretching it out" he dips his fingers into my pussy and gathers the remaining slick to coat my asshole.

"Do you want my cock in your tight ass?" He licks the purt hole, entering his tongue, then inserts a finger and my ass is moulded around him as he strokes the inside.

"Yes" I gasp on all fours awaiting him to fill me up.

"What's your colour?" he asks before I hear him spit, feeling his saliva landing at the bottom of my spine and running between my cheeks.

"Green" I say proudly, gripping the sheets in front of me in preparation.

"Good girl, sunshine," He says with praise before slipping in another finger, making sure I'm fully prepped for him before slowly pulling his hand away and pressing his throbbing tip against my awaiting hole, "always so fucking good for me"

Letting out a small moan as he pushes his hips forward, he takes his time entering slowly, inch by inch until his hips become flush with my ass.

"Colour?" He asks, with a strangled groan.

"Green," I breathed out, giving him the go ahead to start moving, "always green" he chuckled at my enthusiasm, as he pulled out and pushed back in with more force.

Wrapping my hair around his wrist, my head is whipped back to look at the ceiling as he lifts one leg, putting his foot flat on the bed to pound me from an orgasm inducing angle. Feeling my legs begin to shake, my arms become weak causing my head to want to drop, but the strong grip he has on my hair forces me to let out a whimper as my body tries to deal with the overpowering sensation to let go.

Growling as he watches me becoming a weakened mess beneath him, he pulls my hair tighter, forcing my back against his chest as he presses his lips to my ear.

"Colour sunshine?"

"G-Green" I stutter, my chest rising and falling with harsh breaths as he continues to slam into me.

"You are perfect" I hear the grin in his voice before he presses his lips onto the side of my head, dropping his free hand down to my heat and pressing his fingers onto my throbbing clit. 

Snapping his fingers in a clicking motion over my bundle of nerves, I don't hold back my cries of appreciation as another wave of euphoria washes over me in waves, causing my legs to shake violently as he releases inside of me with a low growl.


I know the smut is back to back from the last chapter and I normally spread it out so it doesn't get too much but I messed up the chapters as I was writing them a while ago and forgot to correct it until I started publishing again last week.
So my bad!
And as usual the smut is written by:
They have active books that they update if you want to check them out, Sailor has Six Weeks Notice and Noona has Magic, and Unexpected.
See you in seven days!

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