𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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"We all know that my parents have been on at me for a while to meet someone, and I'm ready to tell them. I have been for a while" Jin said.

I gave him a small smile.

JK's expression went slightly hard, "I'm completely happy with meeting Adam. But I'd be nervous about telling my parents"

I knew some of them would be worried about telling their parents, and having to explain it all to them, that while they weren't romantically involved with the men in the relationship, they still love and cared for each other deeply.

"Me too" Tae said quietly.

I glanced up to him, he was biting his lip with deeply creased eyebrow.

"And that's ok to be nervous. We all knew that it wouldn't be easy when it came down to this. But I think we've all been together long enough now, that it's time to take the next step. It's not like we have been together a few months, it's been two years, and we live together" Joonie said, looking across the table at all of them boys.

Hobi nodded, making Yoongi also give a small nod as well.

"My parent's are quite open minded, so I'm not overly worried" Hobi breathed out.

We were all quiet for a few seconds, until Jimin turned it look at me, "but won't Adam meeting all seven of us at once be a bit much? It's different for us, because our parents all know each other, and each of us and have done for a very long time"

Jin looked over at Joonie, and then at me.

I shrugged one shoulder, knowing that what Jimin just said, was true.

"We all know our girlfriend won't choose between us" Hobi muttered, and as we looked at one another, he gave me a small smile.

"But would you be happy with him not meeting all of us, little?" Joonie asked.

I shook my head, "no I wouldn't be. But I know what Jiminie is saying, is true"

I sighed at the end, I knew something like this would eventually happen, since there was in fact eight of us, it's a lot of people. But yet it all worked so peacefully and perfectly for us.

Tae took a deep breath beside me, "I've already met him, I know it was two years ago, but it still counts. So I'm out"

I gave him a little pout of a smile, and leant into his chest for a few seconds as he kissed the top of my head.

JK looked over at Joonie, "you have the best English, hyung"

Joonie gave him a small smile.

Yoongi looked down at me, "how many would you want to go? I know you don't like choosing, but think of it as just numbers, we will do the rest"

I nodded slowly, trying to take away the faces from the numbers in my mind, "honestly? Only two"

And now I felt extremely guilty. I could see JK burrow his eyebrows together, and I wondered if he was expecting the number to be bigger.

"I just really don't want it to end badly. And I feel like any more than two of you, even though you are all completely perfect, would just overwhelm him. He's the only family I have left" I breathed out quietly, looking away at all of their eyes, and looking down at my lap.

"We respect any decision you make baby girl" Jin said quickly.

Tae's hand on my thigh squeezed again, making me take a deep breath.

"Rock paper scissors for the other one?" Jimin breathed out.

"We need to get a better way to figure out stuff like this" Joonie laughed, making Hobi clap his hands a few times.

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