𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲-𝐎𝐧𝐞

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When I next come into consciousness, before I even opened my eyes my first thought was about my shoulder. As I moved it, I had to grit my teeth together. It still hurt, but it was more like the joint was aching rather than my whole shoulder, which was the only positive thing. I opened my eyes, seeing the dimly bright room, from the small amount of sunlight that was filtering it, it must be very early in the morning.

As I turned my head, I saw the sleeping man next to me.

I smiled and reached over, pushing Tae's fluffy hair away from his forehead. The fact that he wasn't holding me while he slept, proved that he was worried about touching me because of my shoulder. I leant up, and saw on my bedside unit, a bottle of water and a two pills in a little clear glass. I took them, knowing they would be painkillers. I rolled my shoulder around very slowly for a handful of minutes, just listening to Tae's soft breathing to help ignore the jabbing pain in my shoulder.

The pressing need to use the toilet, made me get out of bed. I could have easily laid back down and gone back to sleep, but I also wanted to go and see JK. After I sorted out my hair that looked like I had been dragged through a bush backwards, it took longer because it hurt to raise my hand past my head but I improvised by leaning over. The house was really quiet, it was strange being up this time of morning.

I went into JK's bedroom, opening the door quietly. But then stopped, seeing his empty bed. And then I checked Jimin's room, nor him or JK were there. The next stop was Hobi, where Jimin was with him. I narrowed my eyes as I shut the door. If I had to check every one of the boys bedrooms, to find him, I would. However, as I shut Jin's bedroom door, JK was still not to be found. I quickly went downstairs, trying to stay quiet. I checked the studio's downstairs, even though JK would use the one in his bedroom, and he still wasn't there. I knew I was overreacting by my mind was now making me have anxiety, and the last place I had to check was the upper floor with the gym and dance studio. I should have gone there before coming downstairs.

But as I went to come back from the studios, a movement through the large windows from the living room made me look outside. JK was stood at the far end of the garden, in just a loose pair of shorts, looking at the raising sun and the horizon of the city.

I took a deep breath as I went into the kitchen, seeing the barely open door, and slipped outside.

I heard sniffing as I got closer to him, which made a pit form in the bottom of my stomach. JK tilted his head to the right slightly, showing me that he heard me walking over the freshly cut grass that we only had done yesterday. I went into his back, resting my head on his shoulder as I wrapped my arms around his small waist. We stood there for a little while, and I kissed his back multiple times as he held onto my arms around him.

"I'm not upset, or mad baby. I know you wouldn't ever hurt me purposely, it was just an accident" I breathed out quietly.

JK shook his head, and turned in my arms. His eyes were blood shot, showing me that he hadn't slept at all, and had been crying a fair few times, "I still hurt you. I dislocated your shoulder"

The way he said dislocated sounded like he was disgusted with himself. We stared at one another for a few seconds.

"It was an accident. Did I say or show you in any way that I wasn't enjoying it? No... it was all very fun and I was loving it. You can't blame yourself for this baby" I said gently, raising my hand to cup at his cheek.

He closed his eyes and leant into my touch. A tear slipped under his closed eyes and rolled down his cheek, and I swiped it away with my thumb, giving a deep breath.

"Each time I close my eyes, I hear that horrible fucking popping sound, and then you screaming red" he said very quietly, like he didn't want to say it.

I pursed my lips, "yeah, I needed everything to just stop. The only reason I used that word is because I knew we would all stop moving right away"

JK opened his eyes and looked down at my shoulder, his hand drifting up my arm to cup it gently around the top, it was almost like he was scared to touch me. I couldn't help but offer him a small smile.

"You aren't going to break me baby, and truthfully I enjoyed how... forceful? I'm not sure if that's the right word, the pills are kicking in and my head feels quite cloudy. How rough you were being, I mean" I said, shaking my head at the end, I'm not sure if that made any sense.

You could see JK was loosing himself again, his bottom lip went making me do a quick sound as I went into his chest, and he carefully put his arms around me, "I feel so out of control right now. The thing with my parents isn't helping. I know I should talk about it but I just can't"

I rubbed one hand up and down his smooth skin on his back.

"You aren't alone baby. You know you have all of us" I said quietly.

JK just done a very deep breath in, and we were silent once again. We just held each other as the sun started growing in the sky. However a thought crossed my mind from yesterday.

"What did you all talk about when you left the bedroom? I heard you shout" I asked.

"They asked what happened, that's all" he muttered.

"So they weren't telling you off?" I wondered.

He shook his head as I looked up at him, "not really. I got scolded by Jin and Joonie to be more careful, but they weren't angry with me"

"Good. I'd be annoyed if they were" I said with a small smile.

That made him do a tiny smile back at me, which eased my heart slightly. Then he looked over my shoulder, his expression softening further. I heard somebody walking on the grass, and felt the hand press lightly against my sore shoulder. A kiss landed on my temple, and I turned my head to smile at Yoongi.

"Have you taken your medication, kitten? I left it for you. You can take them three times a day, docs orders. They are in the medicine drawer in the kitchen" Yoongi breathed out.

I smiled at him, "I had a feeling that it might have been you, and yes I've taken them. Thank you"

"How does your shoulder feel?" He asked, glancing down at it.

I pursed my lips, "sore and aching, but it's nothing really"

I was careful with my words, because I didn't want to set JK off again.

After I was forced to have something small to eat by Yoongi, even though I argued I was just going to go back to bed in a minute since it was still early, I went back to my bedroom, and JK followed me holding onto my hand.

Tae grumbled sleepily as JK got into bed, but as I came back from my bathroom, the screen of my phone took my attention to it on the bedside unit, it had just lit up. I decided to check it quickly, even though it would probably just be a twitter notification.

The breath was caught in my throat as I narrowed my eyes at the screen.

I had several missed calls by an unknown number, and three texts, two were voicemails and the other text had just been delivered.

Layla, it's Lily, I'm so sorry that it's so early for you. Your Dad gave me your number. Please ring me as soon as you read this!!


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