𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐎𝐧𝐞

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As we all arrived at the location that Louis Vuitton wanted to do the shoot, there was lots of excitement from their teams as they all greeted one another. We had a translator, to help with the communication with their teams. Although we had the same photographer as the boys had for years, the brand team had requested for specific shots, which was fine.

I let my team go ahead and set up the boys clothes in their sections, as they all were sat down getting their hair and make up done.

I smiled at JK in the mirror as he looked over at me, as I was checking off their outfits that were first up.

"Layla?" A heard a voice behind me.

I turned to see a quite good looking man, he was probably my age. I smiled, waiting for him to carry on speaking.

"Hi, I thought I would introduce myself, I'm Andres, I work closely with all the brand reps for us, I'm sorry I couldn't meet you yesterday but my flight only landed this morning" he breathed out with a large smile.

I nodded, "nice to meet you. I'm BTS's head stylist and I handle all of the brand deals, which I'm sure you know. You must be tired"

He shook his head, "I'm used to being jet lagged, as I'm sure you are also. You've got quite a name for yourself in the fashion world, you know"

I rose one eyebrow, "because of my own clothing line? Or being BTS's head stylist?"

He looked a bit taken back, "both"

I gave a small smile, not wanting to come across to intimidating.

"Noona" I heard the voice to my right, and saw Jimin standing there, as he glanced between me and Andres.

Jimin bowed his head politely.

"Who's that?" He asked.

"One of their staff that handles all of the brand reps" I said back quickly.

"JK doesn't like the way he's looking at you" Jimin muttered quietly.

I couldn't help but chuckle, as Andres gave the both of us a small smile, obviously not understanding what we are saying.

"I'm sorry Andres, have you met Jimin yet?" I asked.

Andres offered his hand to shake and Jimin took it with his perfect wide smile, "nice to meet you" he said quite clearly.

"Pleasure is all mine" Andres replied.

"Go and tell JK, and Tae as I can feel his eyes on the back of my head, that this is all professional and to stop being territorial" I said with a smile, raising an eyebrow.

Jimin snickered, going back to JK who was looking at me in the mirror still. I rolled my eyes at him, making his little wrinkle nosed smile come out at me.

"I guess you have a great working relationship with all of them, you've been here for years" Andres said. 

I nodded, hiding my smile, "they make my day better, from how easy to work with they are"

Andres breathed out a little laugh, "I wish all high profile clients were like them. All of your staff are so efficient and know exactly what to do"

"We've all been a team for a long time, it makes it all so much easier" I offered.

Somebody behind Andres called to him, so he excused himself and I went over to Yoongi, who was the first one in getting changed.

"I don't like him" he breathed out quietly as I adjusted the collar on his shirt.

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