𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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The next few days flew by, and before we all knew it we had landed back at home. I still felt guilty over the fact that it wasn't a stress free holiday, but I knew it wasn't something that was my fault, and I tried to put it to the back of my mind. Joonie noticed a lot that I would zone out, having that look on my face as he called it, and always made sure to tell me that they all had an amazing time, regardless of what happened.

On the ride back to our house, I rang my Doctor, to book in an appointment to get the implant back in, and I managed to get one for tomorrow morning, which was very helpful.

It was award show season, so I knew I had a lot of work to come back to tomorrow. We were booked solid for the next two weeks, and then we had a handful of days off, but in that time I was using it to go and see my step-Dad.

I made a mental note to make sure to try and get the boys to go and see their families for that time Jin, Joonie and I would be away, because I knew the three youngest especially would struggle with me not being around, as well as Joonie and Jin.

My phone had already started pinging at me from my team, since they were getting the first lot of clothes pressed and steamed and ready for two days time.

We were all quite tired as we arrived home, it was lunch time, and the boys had to go straight to rehearsal for the performance at the award show. I kissed them all goodbye, since they didn't need me to go.

It was always strange being home alone, because there was eight of us, there was always at least a few people home, but because of how closely we worked, we were always together. Which was exactly how we all liked it.

I busied myself in staying awake by making a big lunch, and enough for everyone when they got home which wouldn't be for at least six more hours, I knew how much of perfectionists they all there.

And then, I emptied all of our luggage, putting the washing all in one pile in my room, so our housekeepers new where it would be. It was all pretty straight forward putting the boys things back, because they all had separate travelling bags that would stay unpacked for reasons exactly like this.

It was nearing dinner time by the time I had finished, and I made myself a coffee, and went and sat on the sofa, pulling the blanket over me as I laid down, and switched on the TV.

The next thing I knew, I was being woken up by kisses on my cheek.

I opened my eyes to see Tae, giving me a bright smile.

"What time is it?" I asked as I leant up, rubbing my eyes.

"Seven" he replied, kneeling down and leaning into me.

I smiled and ran my hand through his hair, and kissed his forehead.

I hadn't been asleep for that long at all, which I was thankful for because I knew I wouldn't sleep tonight or else.

"Thank you for the food, kitten" Yoongi called from the kitchen.

"Oh, food" Tae said quickly, pulling away from me and getting up.

Jimin caught my eyes as I followed Tae jogging to the kitchen, he came right over to me as I stood up, and I ran my hand down his soft cheek, "you ok?"

"Tired" he said, and then yawned.

I smiled, "come and eat, then go to bed. You didn't really sleep on the plane"

He gave me a small smile, and took my hand as we went into the kitchen.

Yoongi was dishing up eight plates, from the heated up food from the pans on the stove.

"Jungkookie, can you do the table please" Yoongi muttered to JK who gave me a little wink as we met eyes.

As we sat down, I saw Jin coming down the stairs to join us. He leant down to kiss my temple, "thank you for doing our luggage, baby girl"

I smiled, as the others also called thanks to me.

"I needed to stay awake, I knew the second I sat down I would end up sleeping" I said as I began eating.

Both Jin and Jimin yawned, making me smile at them.

JK looked like he was about to fall asleep at the table, there was no doubt he had given his everything during the rehearsal, like always.

I sent them all off to bed, only Yoongi stayed with me to help tidy up, not like it took more than a few minutes anyway.

"You go ahead, if I sleep this early I'll be up at four in the morning" I said quietly to Yoongi who had pulled me into his arms.

He smiled down at me as I pushed up on my toes to press my lips against his.

"I love you" he breathed out.

"I love you too" I replied as he planted another kiss on my lips.

I replied to a few emails, before going up to my bedroom and getting my clothes ready for tomorrow, and then had a quick shower.

I wondered idly onto where Tae was sleeping, because I noticed his bedroom door was open as I went back downstairs to grab a bottle of water. As I went back upstairs, Jimin's bedroom door was opened and Tae came out of it, rubbing his fluffy wavy hair.

He gave me a small sleepy smile as he made his way into my room, and I closed the bedroom door behind me as he just collapsed into my bed, pulling the covers over his bare torso.

"Princess" he mumbled at me a minute or so later, as I came out of my bathroom.

I knew he wanted to cuddle, to get himself to sleep.

As soon as I got comfortable in bed with Tae's chest pressed against my back with his leg in between mine, and his long arms wrapping under my neck and over my waist, I knew I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

I grumbled at my alarm going off, as did Tae.

I smiled sleepily as his grip tightened around me as I tried to pull away, but then I playfully started biting his forearm, making him tense even further but I could feel him chuckling behind me.

We went quiet as we listened what was happening outside my bedroom door, Yoongi was waking up JK, making us smile as we heard him threaten to tip some water on him.

A handful of minutes later I walked back out of my bathroom, and went over and tapped at Tae's ass, to wake him up again since he was still laying face down on the bed.

I threw on a t-shirt, and opened my bedroom door to see Jin walking towards the stairs, and he gave me a bright smile, "morning, baby girl"

I smiled as I turned to go down towards JK's room, and poked my head in the door.

He was leant up in bed, but eyes were still shut as his mouth was hanging open slightly, head tilted back. I went over to him and pushed back his long hair away from his face, and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Stay awake, baby" I breathed out, pulling the covers away from his legs.

I went downstairs to quickly grab a coffee, that Yoongi had just finished making. I gave him a wink as I took it from his hand, and went back upstairs to start getting ready, as we only gave ourselves about half an hour before we needed to all leave the house.

I drove myself this morning, since I had to go to my Doctors appointment first.

My arm definitely ached a lot more this time around, and it was in the opposite arm since my other one was still healing, and I grumbled at myself as I got into my car.

I replied back to the group chat, saying that I was on my way to the company now, after Jimin asked how it went. As I looked up from putting my phone back in my bag, I creased my eyebrows together, as I saw right in front of me by the car park entrance, a man with a very high tech camera facing right at me.

I chose to ignore it, this was the second time I had been photographed here.

He moved out of the way as I drove past him, as I put my sunglasses on.


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