𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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Jin had Hobi leaning against him as we walked into our house, he was half asleep from the car journey back. JK and Jimin were already play fighting with one another, running towards the living room.

Tae had hold of my hand, smiling after the other two youngest.

As we settled on the sofas, Hobi yawned as Joon passed him a water bottle.

Jin had been roped into playing with the other two, which was not un usual in the slightest as we all heard their laughter which was now coming from outside.

"What's the bet that one of them ends up in the pool?" Yoongi breathed out, bedside me.

Tae quickly stood up, making me chuckle.

And not even a minute later you could hear Tae pulling at Jimin. He put their phones on the lounge chair, as we watched through the windows.

The crash of them falling into the pool made all of us laugh, as I stood up to go over to the window and watch.

JK and Jin were now eyeing each other up, making me laugh even more.

Hobi had perked up, waking up a little as he came over to stand with me, putting his arm over my shoulder. His laugh was the loudest in the house.

JK won, dragging Jin with him as he fell backwards into the pool.

"If one of them ends up with concussion, that'll be an interesting story to tell" Joon muttered out, smiling at us.

"Don't say that, imagine the phone call to Sejin" Yoongi chuckled.

Hobi quickly took a picture of all four of the boys in the pool next to me before throwing his phone onto the sofa behind us.

I slowly backed away, I knew these boys better than I knew myself, and I knew what Hobi's plan was. Yoongi watched me slowly turn around, to walk towards the stairs, and gave me a gum filled smile.

"Oh I don't think so, sunshine" I heard Hobi mutter before he grabbed hold of my waist.

I squealed out, "Hobi!"

Joon and Yoongi followed us both out after Hobi had thrown me over his shoulder, and I smacked as his ass, laughing to myself.

The hand that landed on my ass cheek, made me gasp.

He grabbed my hips before pulling me down in front of him, and I quickly wrapped my legs around him, letting him know that if he wanted to throw me in the pool, he was coming with me.

To my left, I saw a dripping wet JK walk out of the pools steps, looking at his older brothers.

"Jungkook" Yoongi warned, but you could hear the smiling tone of voice he had.

JK peeled off his clothes, just leaving him in black trousers, and he grinned at Yoongi and Joonie that were next to one another.

Hobi slowly walked us into the pool, and I gasped at the water that lapped around my hips, it was warm but it still was a strange sensation getting wet with clothes on.

Hobi chuckled into my neck as I pushed myself tighter into him.

We watched as JK went towards Joonie, who just rolled his eyes with a small smile, taking his phone out of his pocket, and suit jacket off before just walking over to the pool, and lowered himself in.

Jimin laughed at JK as he grabbed at Yoongi who was busy cursing at the youngest.

And not even ten seconds later, we were all in the pool.

Jimin came over to Hobi, and I reached over to him to pull him into me, crushing him against Hobi's side as I pressed my lips to his. His soft expression warmed my heart as we pulled away.

All of the boys played around, mainly JK and Jin busy with one another trying to dunk each other's head.

I pulled away from Hobi, going over to Yoongi who was just stood there, but was still smiling at our family. I went into his open arms as he didn't look at me, and went the water lapping around our arms, from the movement in front of us.

Tae slowly came over to us, and dived under water, I felt his mouth bite on my ass, as his hands grabbed hold of my waist. I was laughing as he resurfaced right behind me, nuzzling his wet hair into my neck.

Yoongi leant back, feeling the water land on his neck from Tae's wet hair, making me smile.

Yoongi and Hobi were the first out, making me follow not long after.

I didn't think twice as I stripped off my dress, not wanting to drip soaking wet clothes through the house. I rang it out, and placed it on the back of a lounge chair, we could grab the clothes tomorrow.

As I turned to go towards the back door, I noticed all the other boys doing the same, and I couldn't help my eyes as they freely roamed over the seven of them, seeing them all only just in their boxers at this point.

Jimin looked up at me and gave me a big smile, knowing exactly what I was doing.

"Enjoying the view, baby girl?" Jin breathed out, giving me a small smirk.

"Very much so" I muttered, glancing over his broad shoulders, before going to the next man. Joonie had certainly being working out, and that made me purse my lips.

Tae muttered something at Hobi, making me raise an eyebrow at him.

But Hobi was grinning at me.

I bit my lip slowly, and then turned before speaking, "I'm going for a shower"

I could pick up on their moods so easily, and I knew the air around us had gotten thicker. We didn't have sex as a group that often, mainly because it really took it out of me, but threesomes were a normal thing, especially because we felt comfortable with not hiding the fact we were having sex.

The location didn't matter at all, there had been many occasions where I had been having sex with one or two of them around the house, and the others never bat an eyelid. A few would watch openly, mainly Jin which I knew was a kink for him. It all just worked out perfectly.

A hand caught around my neck, pulling me back, as I grabbed at the fingers.

"I don't think you are, sunshine. You might want to save that shower for after we are done with you" Hobi breathed out, his breath hitting my ear as he leant his head around to the side.


Next chapter in seven days! I had to break it up, because I think you can all tell what's coming!

My other stories

You Are Ours
An OT7xreader, very smutty and the perfect amount of fluff. It's BTS, not other characters.

Waiting For You
It's a JKxreader, JK is himself as apart of BTS, and of course will have the smut! It's very fluffy at the same time, but it still tugs at the heart strings.

You Saved Me
It's a Yoongi and Jimin x reader.
It's definitely a lot darker than my other two stories, and be prepared for an emotional journey... and I'm pre warning you that you will end up hating one, if not both of them!

The Descendants
It's a Taexreader, a mythical and fantasy story that's based on Greek Gods and Goddesses. It's action packed, with a lot of twists and turns.

The Suitors
(brand new)
It's a Tae and JK x reader, that's heavily based on royalty. This book took me the shortest amount of time to write, as everything leads up to a crucial moment, where I was actually sobbing in writing the scene! 

If you would like to see exclusive content about my stories, from snippets from the next chapters or even new stories that I'm working on, please go to the link on my profile! It would mean the world to me if you wanted to support me 💜

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