𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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I was nervous.

Joonie had left with driver, to collect his Mum from the airport. They would be here by lunch time, and I slowly nibbled at my food with the other boys. Yoongi could see that I was nervous, and was stood up behind me, watching Jin and JK be their normal selves in playing around. Yoongi played with my hair, calming me down while Jimin came over and sat against my legs on the floor.

I gave a deep sigh, leaning my head back into Yoongi's hands and he leant my head back to bend down to kiss my forehead.

I knew I had no reason to be nervous, Joonie's Mum supported him in this, and I had already met her before. Sejin wondered into the room, passing me a few folders labelled NDA's, which just reminded me that it was this Friday we were leaving in going to see Adam. While I hoped for him to support me, I also hoped he wouldn't be offended that we were going to ask Joan and her daughter Lily to sign NDA's. At this minute, we had to be extra careful, and regardless of the fact that they would be another add on to my step-family, I didn't know them at all.

As I was lost in my thoughts, Tae who had left for the toilet a few minutes ago, came back into the room, "they're here. She's just talking to Sejin down the corridor"

Yoongi squeezed the back of my neck, "it's ok, kitten"

I nodded.

The door opened once more, and then I saw Joonie usher his Mum through the room. She gave all of the boys a bright smile that reminded me a lot of Joonie, as they all crowded her to give them a hug. Yoongi stayed behind me, which I was grateful for as I didn't want to seem awkward.

Then she swatted away the attention with a playful smile, and looked right at me.

I smiled, and she returned it.

Joonie outstretched his hand to me, and I squeezed Yoongi's hand on my shoulder as I got up and went over to him, Jimin touching my arm briefly as I went past him. I had to admit, the open displays of affection around a parent of one of them, was really nice, it warmed me.

"Mum, this is Layla. Well I know you her, but officially" Joonie breathed out as he took my hand.

She was just shorter than me, and was still smiling at me. Then she surprised me in leaning over and pulling me in for a hug. I quickly let go off Joonie to put both my arms around her, and we were there for a good handful of seconds, enough to make my back release the tension I was holding and relax into her. I suddenly felt quite emotional. The niggling thought of the fact that I hadn't had a mother figure in my life since my own Mum passed away when I was sixteen, and I was now thirty-two, the same age as Jin.

I knew I hadn't ever dealt with her death, but then again does a child, since that was what I was at the time, ever get over loosing a parent? While I knew I didn't exactly have the best of upbringings when I was a young child, neglect with drug and alcohol abuse around me, I knew my Mum was mourning my Dad. Until Adam came around. I wondered if that was because I was so nervous about Adam's reaction, he could easily just cut me out of his life. He was the last tie I had to my own Mum, the only family I had left.

It was almost like Seo knew that I was struggling to hold back tears, as she started gently rubbing at my back. The room was quiet, and I dread to think of the boys expressions right now, most likely all glancing at one another in what to do.

"Let's go for a coffee Layla, I'm sure these boys have work to do" Seo breathed out, letting go off me slowly.

"Mum she –" Joonie began, but was cut off by his Mum tapping at his arm.

"I'm going to get to know your partner, Kim Namjoon" was all she said.

The boys did look slightly taken back as I looked over them before Seo lead me out of the room, but I offered a little smile to make them feel better. They weren't used to sharing me with anyone apart from each other.

"Where is your office, darling?" Seo asked.

"Follow me" I smiled.

We stopped outside in the small canteen area near to my office to get coffee, she had hers exactly like Joonie's, and then we went into my office. She left a seat space in between us on the sofa, giving me a warm smile as she got comfortable.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

I nodded, "I'm not sure on how much Joonie has told you, but I'm not really used to the whole parent thing"

Her eyes softened immediately, "he has told me. Only because I asked if there was anything I needed to avoid in talking about, or asking you about"

That man. My heart swelled with love. He had obviously told her to not ask about my family, or lack of them.

"I don't mind talking about them, it's just not topic of conversation we get into a lot" I breathed out, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Because you don't like talking about it?" She asked, curious with her eyes.

I pursed my lips, "I mean it doesn't bring up the greatest of memories, but those men fill my days with laughter and happiness that I don't even get a chance to think about anything negative"

She grinned at that, "I'm very happy for my son. But keeping you hidden for two years? I have to admit I told him off"

I chuckled, and she joined in with me.

"It was a mutual decision for all of us, eight people in a relationship is a lot and we had to make sure we all matched up" I offered my explanation.

She nodded, "that's why I fully understood when he explained why. It was wise, because now when you tell the boys parents, you have the proof that it works, and seems to work very well"

I gave a slow smile, "it does work very well. I can't explain how, but the boys chemistry and dynamics together is what solidifies us"

Seo looked thoughtful for a second, "I'm honestly surprised that they aren't together romantically also. I wouldn't have a problem with it, it's just interesting to see how different the relationships are"

I drank another sip of my coffee, "They are all very close. Emotionally they keep tabs on one another, they love each other dearly"

She smiled, "they've been like that since the beginning. Although I was surprised when Joonie said they were building a house to all move in together, I expected him to be in his own place a handful of years ago"

"Well we were all in the dorms, and while that was was big, we knew we needed our own space" I added.

"I bet it's beautiful. Now I know why he always made excuse for us to come around and see it bar from the pictures he sent" Seo said, crossing her legs.

I felt a little guilty at that, and with the few seconds of silence, Seo looked over at me. Her eyes softened in a way Joonie's done so when he would be looking at his brothers.

"I don't mean it that way darling, I'm thankful for you. You seem to slot in perfectly for them and I'm happy that my son is happy. I've always respected you from how closely you worked with the boys and you always make sure they are comfortable and put first" she said with a soft tone, chasing away any bad thoughts that were forming.

I smiled, "thank you. They will always be my number one priority"


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