𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐒𝐢𝐱

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Dinner was very, very nice. It had been years since I had a full on English roast, and even Jin was enjoying it from his little sounds he was making, I couldn't help but watch Lily as she looked like she still couldn't believe that Jin and Joonie were in front of her, and I couldn't blame her at all because if I was her, I don't think I could believe it either.

We all made our way back outside again, and I wondered around their garden to look at the views even more as Lily made her way over to me, glancing over her shoulder back at the men around the table speaking to Adam and Joan.

I gave her a smile, "do you live here?"

She shook her head, "I live about an hour away, close to the city for my job"

"Makes sense. What kind of photography do you do?" I asked.

"High fashion mainly, I'm slowly getting out there" she smiled, standing next to me.

"The next time the boys all come to the UK, I'll let you know. You can take some shots of them if you want, it'll certainly boost your business" I offered.

Her eyes went wide and shook her head, "I'll be a mess"

I laughed, patting her shoulder, and settled back down.

"Can I ask you questions about it all? I'm just so curious in how this all came about" she wondered, tone of voice gentle.

"Sure... well it started pretty much from when I joined the company" I said, not really having an exciting answer.

"That's amazing that you've all managed to keep it a secret for this long" Lily breathed out, looking over her shoulder again.

I smiled, "it's only the staff that know, and high management obviously. We are very discreet around others"

She pursed her lips, "I hope the dispatch leak didn't shake you all up too much"

I sighed, "it's a threat that we live with, since the media is obsessed with them"

"I wish it wasn't like that. I mean of course there are some Army's that are nuts, but the chill ones wouldn't mind if the guys were in a relationship, because they would be happy. That's all that matters" she breathed out.

I smiled at her, just as Joan called out to us.

"Lily, Ethan's here" she said, making the both of us turn to see through the large open patio doors, a tall brown haired man was walking towards the back garden. He looked quite young.

My heart skipped a beat, who was that?

"Oh shit, sorry. That's my boyfriend, I'll get rid of him" Lily quickly apologised, before going over to him as he waved at the four people on the patio chairs. I saw him take a double take at my two men, looking equally shocked and confused.

I couldn't hear their conversation as Lily tugged at him arm to take him back into the house.

Joonie was already texting on his phone as I made my way over to them, and my phone vibrated in my back pocket.

Text Sejin to send over a NDA, he will need it sign it, little

I done as he asked, as Joan explained about Lily's boyfriend, another photographer that she met in the city a year ago. I just hoped that he was a decent man. Lily came back a minute later quickly saying sorry, looking at Jin and Joonie. They both smiled and shook their heads, being polite.

"He knew I was here, but he thought it was just like any other normal dinner... he didn't realise we had company" Lily explained quietly.

Joonie smiled at her, "it's fine, somethings can't be helped. But do you mind if he signs an NDA?"

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