𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲-𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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"Come here, sunshine" Hobi hissed, wrapping his hand around my throat and forcing my back up into his chest. Rolling his hips to meet my spot perfectly with his length, his other arm held me close against his body as I spilled my appreciation down onto the decking below us. My third orgasm knocked the wind out of me as Hobi continued to chase his own end, snapping his hips with so much vigor that I began to see stars in front of me as I locked eyes with all of my other men watching on adoringly.

Biting down on my shoulder as he spilled his load with a guttural growl in my ear, he stilled inside of me as we both gasped for air. Sitting back on his heels, he held me tight as he motioned for one of the other's to come and help me up again, my red raw knees causing Jin to pout as he took my hands.

"Hi baby girl" He whispered as he pulled me into his chest and walked me back over to a vacant lounger. My eyes were still shut as I tried to catch my breath feeling Hobi's cum dripping down my inner thighs as Jin turned me to face the other's and sit on his lap. 

Jin caresses my back softly with his fingertips as I sink down onto his length, tracing my spine as I adjust to girth, I hissed.

"Are you sure you want to continue, baby girl?" Jin brushes my damp hair over my shoulder, leaning me back into him.

"With no doubts Daddy" I softly whimper as I begin to rise off his cock again, he's holding me close but he doesn't thrust, his one hand is on my breast and the other is splayed across my stomach, he's patient as I ride him slow and steady, gradually building up my strength.

Overstimulated and exhausted, Jin traces my neck with wet open mouthed kisses, as his cock fills me up again and again. It's slow as I stroke him with my pussy, I will myself to bounce harder and faster but his grip tightens, to hold me down impaled on his cock, he grips my breasts and squeezes them while sucking on my neck.

It's hard to breathe and my heartbeat is wild, thrumming in my chest, still inside me Jin grabs me by the back of the neck pushing my body down to rest on my elbows as he re-positions himself behind me.

"Baby girl, what's your colour?"

"Green, Daddy fuck me please" I plead, trying to press myself down on his cock again.

Jin plunges himself into me, nothing but raw penetration as he fucks into me, my thighs and legs are covered in cum as he fucks it out of me, the other guys watching it drip out of me.

The noises are wet and dirty, I'm completely soaking for him as he holds onto my hips making my breasts bounce every time he thrusts, driving my face further into the soft loungers fabric.

"Fuck" I feel like I'm going to burst.

He leans over me and I'm now caged in his body, unrelenting, the constant drill of his cock is making me see stars as it hits my pleasurable spot over and over again.

The pressure is too much and in a hot white flush my pussy is squirting over his cock as he continues to fuck up into me to finally cum, while I soak the entire lounger beneath me with mine.

Jimin was the first to come and sit next to myself and Jin, rubbing a cloth in between my sticky thighs, as I caught my breath. My limbs weren't connected to my body at this second. I rolled onto my back, Jimin nestling into my side as I threw my leg over his hip and arms around his neck.

"You ok sunshine?" I heard Hobi ask.

I waved a hand and mumbled, and heard a few chuckles as a response to me. A hand ran up and down my leg, and I hazily opened my eyes to see JK giving me a gentle smile.

"Do you want go in the hot tub, baby girl?" Jin asked as he pushed the hair away from my face.

Jimin squeezed me a little tighter, proving that he wasn't done cuddling yet. And truthfully, I wasn't sure if I would be able to sit up properly yet. I gave a lazy smile and reached up to cup at Jin's cheek, "not yet. My body won't move"

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