𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐰𝐨

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I gave up and let the boys know that I was going home a handful of hours after lunch, no matter what I done I couldn't concentrate. So instead I fully packed my small suitcase, and checked over Jin and Joonie's, also grabbing their passports so I knew Joonie wouldn't forget his. Sejin was picking us up in the middle of the evening for our overnight flight, the jet lag would be hard since we would be landing at four in the morning in UK time, but it would actually be midday for us.

We had a car all ready for us on the other side to pick up, Jin chose a sporty Range Rover model, since he offered to drive. It would take a few hours from the airport to get to our hotel that was about ten minutes from my step-Dad's house.

While waiting for the boys to get home, I took a quick shower, and made a start on dinner. I was not looking forward to being away from the other boys even if it was for three days. We hardly spent any time away from one another unless they were going to visit their families and even then that was only for the weekend.

The iPad pinged just as I was starting to dish up the food.

"Great timing" I breathed out as I heard their voices echo down the hallway towards me.

"Smells great, kitten" Yoongi said with a smile.

The all quickly disappeared to get changed, since they rushed home and didn't shower at the company to get rid of the grime from practising. JK and Jiminie were stuck to me all throughout dinner, whether it was just holding my thigh or leaning on my shoulder. I could feel the apprehension coming from them like waves, from knowing we were leaving soon. I knew Tae would be sleeping with one of them tonight.

We had about an hour until we needed to leave, Hobi and Yoongi left the three youngest to it with crowding around me on the sofa. I had my legs across Jimin's lap, and was leant back against Tae with JK's head in my lap from him sitting on a cushion on the floor. It was going to be a hard weekend for all of us, and I was not looking forward to the over twenty-four hours we would be spending in the air. Flying was boring, there was only so long I could sketch out new outfits for my clothing brand until the colours all started blurring together.

Tae sighed, making my head rise and fall on his chest. I reached above me with my free hand that wasn't around JK's neck, to cup at his cheek, and I could feel the slight stubble forming.

Jin came downstairs with my small suitcase and his, giving me a wink as we met gazes. And not long after that, he came over to us, ruffling JK's hair signalling me to get up. I knew I needed to get changed into my travelling clothes which was a comfy pair of leggings, and one of JK's hoodies.

Tae wrapped his legs around my torso from me being in between them, causing the five of us to chuckle as Jin pulled me away. The three youngest watched me walk away and my chest felt heavy as I went upstairs. Joonie wondered into my room, looking at his phone just as I finished getting ready.

"Sejin is almost here, little" he said gently.

I nodded, and Jimin put his hands on Joonie's shoulders to get past him, coming into my arms.

"I'm going to miss you, noona" he muttered.

"I know baby boy, I'll miss you too. It's only for a few days" I said, telling myself that also.

Hobi was the next to catch me before we went downstairs, pulling me into his chest so he could wrap his arms around me, "I hope it goes ok with your step-dad sunshine, we are only a phone call away. I love you"

I nodded, "I love you too"

Yoongi got to me before Tae did as he had gotten up from the sofa as I made my way downstairs, and kissed me gently before muttering that he loved me into my ear. JK and Tae then fought playfully to get to me first, JK winning as he threw Tae back down onto the sofa in a swift movement.

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