𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲

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I barely saw the boys for the rest of the day, as they worked through lunch. I was busy myself with meetings, making sure everything was ready for them over the next few weeks, they had a lot of appearances along with the award shows. I also made sure that the company didn't add anything else onto their schedule, by sending Sejin a quick email, as I didn't want them to burn themselves out. I was very grateful that my input was always listened to, as they knew I was the one that was spending the most time with all of them, for the boys wellbeing they always did listen to me.

There was a time about a year ago that Tae was getting burnt out, but thankfully we all caught that pretty quickly and I made sure Sejin was running everything through me for a short while, before stressing the boys out even more with adding things onto them without asking. There had to be boundaries, and all of the boys knew I would speak up the second I saw one of them flagging in begin run down, because sometimes the boys wouldn't tell the team, from feeling guilty.

They had a photoshoot for Louis Vuitton in the morning, and their own stylist teams had booked a meeting with me so I could manage the clothes.

"They are here" Sejin called to me as he poked his head through my office door.

"Ok" I smiled.

"Be nice" Sejin said, with a little smile.

"I'm always nice" I breathed out, raising an eyebrow.

Sejin scoffed, "they are more nervous about meeting you, than the boys"

I laughed, shaking my head.

"You've made a very good name for the company with how strict you are with the brand reps, nobody tries anything with us because they know you will shut it down" Sejin grinned at me.

"I'm not having the boys being used just for the click bait. If you want their faces on their brand, it has to be professionally and properly. That's all I want" I shrugged one shoulder.

Sejin nodded, "I know, don't have to explain yourself to me. You feeling better as well? Don't you over work yourself"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me and go make sure the boys have eaten something please. You know what they are like when they are practising hard" I smiled as Sejin nodded at me.

The meeting went by smoothly, as the two reps showed me the outfits they had ready for each man. I had to change a few things, like Yoongi's bright orange trousers were horrible, and the jacket that they wanted Jin to wear made him look like he was wearing a tent, but other than that I knew the boys would like the clothes. I just always wanted them to be comfortable in the clothing they had to wear.

Jimin and Yoongi turned up in my office earlier than I expected, they both looked freshly showered.

I smiled as Jimin came over to me as I quickly finished typing out an email back to my team, ready for the morning.

"Did you eat today, kitten?" Yoongi asked as he picked up my shoes for me and brought them over to me.

I nodded, "Sejin brought me something in between meetings"

"And your antibiotics?" He asked.

I smiled, "yes baby"

He rose one eyebrow at me as I slipped on my shoes, taking Jimin's hand and I leant up to kiss Yoongi quickly, "you are done early"

"We haven't really stopped today. And we are getting tired, and hungry" Jimin breathed out.

"What are we having for dinner?" I asked as I grabbed my bag, and slipped in my laptop.

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