𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐲

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Seven Years Later

"Happy anniversary, our perfect wife" Jin said as he pressed a kiss to my lips.

"Thank you, love" I smiled sleepily, rolling over in a huff in the bed.

I rubbed at my eyes, surprised that it was only Jin. Normally I woke up with at least two men on my bed. Jin offered his hand so I could sit up, and I took a deep breath, which was hard to do recently. Jin kissed my hand as I yawned and he smiled, "go back to sleep if you want, we still have a few hours"

I shook my head, "I wouldn't be able to now even if I tried"

We heard the failing attempts of whispering as voices drifted down the hallway, Jin gave me a wink and sat down next to me.

"Yeah, go on darling" Yoongi's hushed tone made me breathe out a laugh until I saw that brown haired little boy turn around the corner.

He was holding a bouquet of flowers, grinning at me that tugged at my heart. Yoongi's hand appeared over Sutton's shoulder and tapped him lightly, reminding the four year old that he still had to say something to me.

"Happy wedding anniversary, Mummy" Sutton grinned.

He had his Father's smile, with those dimples. I opened my arms for him and he ran towards the bed, Jin patting his bottom playfully as he nestled in between us. Yoongi walked into the room, holding a water bottle. He leant over to kiss me as Sutton and Jin started jabbing at one another.

"How long has he been awake?" I asked as Yoongi passed me the water bottle and I thanked him with a smile.

"He got up at seven, it was Jimin's turn today" Yoongi smiled at our son and ruffled his hair before he slid down the bed and darted off out of the bedroom.

"Dad? Daddy!" Sutton called, as we heard his little footsteps thunder down the hallway.

"I think Joonie's still asleep" Jin breathed out.

"Not for much longer" I chuckled.

Sutton was an incredibly easy baby, we couldn't have asked for a better first born baby to join our chaotic family. I had him when I was thirty-four, it had taken three months of unprotected sex to conceive him, and we left it to pot luck who would be the biological Father, because all of us were happy to leave it that way. And when it came back with the results that Joonie was the Dad, all of us were elated at that because Joonie was one of the seven men that really did want a biological child. Sutton was the splitting image of his Dad, but had soft brown hair and caramel coloured eyes, along with my petite nose. Even now he was quite a chilled out kid, he was due to start school in a few months and that really made me panic slightly which I assured was a natural feeling, apparently to Joonie who had been doing research on it all. All of the men were equally obsessed with our son, and Sutton had already learnt that each of the men gave him different needs. If he wanted to do some rough housing, he would chase JK around the house until it ended with JK throwing him around, and you could hear his laughter from wherever in the house.

Yoongi cared for Sutton much like he done myself, always giving him snacks and juices, making sure his needs were cared for. Tae was the creative one with him, they would colour in his toy area in the living room for hours on the little table and chairs we had for him. Hobi would take Sutton on walks around our estate for ages, always coming back with acorns for me that Tae and him would make into necklaces. Jimin and Jin, would be the ones where Sutton would go to for playing, but the more playful kind rather than being thrown up in the air by JK. Joonie always read him a bed time story. Sutton knew that Joonie was his actual Dad, because he only called Joonie that. The others were called Uncle, because we knew it would just confuse him calling seven men Dad, that didn't seem fair.

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