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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

'That Saachi maam....'

I closed my eyes in anger. She is always the reason of my destruction.

Now I know what exactly happened.

After we got our exam papers of the mid-term, parents meeting was arranged. For me it was not that nervous moment like other kids as teacher have no complaints for me expect I talk to much. That talking complaint is from 2nd standard.

My mom never shouts on me for that complaint because basically I got her genes. Hehehe.

As navratri was starting and Goddess Durga being our kuldevi (Kul- clan, devi- goddess), my mother was busy in preparation of the festival which is celebrated for 10-days.

When PTI ( Parents Teacher Interaction) came, my maternal grandfather came along with me. He never went to PTI of his own children but whenever it comes to mine, he was always ready. I guess it was because of I am his precious and favourite grandchild or teachers don't have any complaint. I don't know the reason but that day everything changed.

I was soo embarassed. I never thought that saachi maam will say such words in front of my grandfather.

"You should not let your child slide off the track because of bad company of friends."

It wasn't worst than what she said to aarvi and tisha but still for my grandfather it was something very wrong.

"You know teenagers problem."

That's what she said to parents of tisha and aarvi.

The next day we all were in the ground for our pt period with our grumpy faces. That's when we came to know that we were not only the one whose parents got such complaints.

Every girl of our class leaving the topper girl, got such complaints.

What made me more angry was that no boy in our class got complaints on the day of pti. Even the most notorious boy of our class, got compliment.

It was unbelievable.

'Why such discrimination..?'

We all wanted to go to principal sir and complaint but we didn't when I said something.

"We can't guys. You remember how last year we told him to remove a teacher because she didn't even knew a single thing. He didn't fired her instead she is still roaming around the school giving us death glares. She was just a newbie but saachi maam is teaching in the school for years and years. He will not listen to us. The principal would have heard us if the principal was Renuka maam and not that fatty person."

Trust me I never hated a principal or any person this much as I hated this new principal. Renuka maam was the actual principal when a suicide accident happened which made her lose her principal tag.

'She was the best.'

This line was the most said line whenever we talk about her.

One day, she came to take some documents after her dismissal. That time the whole school gathered to meet her and hug her.

She hugged us all happily because she too knew that this would be her last time meeting us.

This new principal not even let us explain ourselves before suspending students. Suspending students have become his favourite pastime. For him discipline is more than living a life.

Because of that mere sentence, I got tons of scoldings from my parents.

I released the breath of anger as I can feel the relationship of me and my parents sliding down the mountain.

But what I didn't knew was that, it was just starting of breaking up of my relationship with my parents.



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