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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

Why it always happens..? Have it ever happened to you that when you anticipate something and wants something special to happen on that day but nothing happens..?

Yes it happened to me many times, nowadays it's happening regularly.

Today was the day of our exams, we had our Computer paper while 10th had their English paper.

'Why God!?! Why!?! Why did you gave me 7 roll.no instead of 6..?'

I asked God while I pouted. Vyom was sitting on the 5th bench of the first row and I was sitting on the 1st bench of the second row. FIRST BENCH!! Can you imagine..? I couldn't even cheat because of it.

My new friends were always angered because they wanted to ask me answers but I was not able to give them as the invigilator was standing right in front of me.

Luckily I was able to tell them some answers because of my exam partner. He was helping my friends my telling them answers which I told him while I was giving him the answer which his friend who was sitting in the adjacent row to me, was giving.

In short, it was fun.

I couldn't look and see what vyom was doing but I am damn sure that he was cheating too.

I remember how he saw me when I entered the class late. Our bus always comes earlier than other buses, I don't know what happened today when our bus got late... Extremely late.

We were late, on top of that exam which starts on 07:30 am sharp. The bus reached at my stop at 07:15 am and it took more 15 minutes to reach the school.

When we reached the school, we were stopped as National Anthem was playing. I and Riya (my bus friend who is now in the same class as mine) literally ran towards our class as we don't wanted to get late when we were already very late.

Riya was the first one to enter the class while I entered a little later.

"May I come in Ma'am..?"

I asked our class teacher politely while from my peripheral vision I could see riya quickly scanning the class without getting caught.

'I wonder how she does it without getting caught because whenever I did that, I always get caught.'

"Why you guys are late..?"

She asked as I explained her in short.

'Why she is soo curious when she should just let us sit for the exam. Just because she is section incharge of our school, it doesn't means that she should know everything.'

I thought while I rolled my eyes eyes inwardly while I looked at riya who was still scanning. I elbowed her telling her that we are in the class and not outside it.

I was removing my exam materials from my bag. I still haven't looked to see where vyom was.

"Vaishnavi..... Vaishnavi."

I looked at her irritatingly and told her to continue. What she said next, made me freeze.

"He is looking at you continuously... From the time you entered."



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