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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

It was 12th July, more 3 days to go for my birthday. I was soo excited and why shouldn't I be, I was born on that day.

I was eagerly waiting for my birthday and there my mom was preparing for a Pooja (ceremonial worship of a Hindu deity including rituals and offerings) which is on the same day of my birthday. I have no problem with the Pooja but I want to celebrate my birthday with double blast as last year I wasn't able to celebrate. Last year, we all celebrated by birthday with pale me eating kheer which was sugarless. Eww! It was gross but what made me emotional when my whole family with me, ate that tasteless kheer.

I love them soooooo much!!!!

In the school, the day went very boring and with me annoying my friends about my birthday. I saw vyom after dispersal when I was talking with kiran and remember the day how he came in front of us for saying sorry to Tisha.

Yes vyom did that the very next day and maturely agreed his mistakes. Well! Well! Now how can I ignore him..?

As I was watching his each movement, Kiran smacked my head making me glare her.

'When did she came..? Oh right I was talking with her. oopsie.'

"Girl!! Stop ogling him. I know you have crush.. oops sorry attraction towards him but it looks very creepy."

I again glared her for the statement she made. I agree it looks creepy but crush..? I don't have crush on him, it's just an attraction and nothing else but this kiran, she don't understand it. Or I am the one who don't understand my own feeling while everyone around me knows it..?

I seriously don't know.

Kiran just shake her head in disbelief and went away while I looked at him again who is now talking to one of his friend.

I am hating this feeling of confusing which he is creating inside me.

'Boy! What are you doing to me..?'

I thought as I saw vyom turning his back to me walking towards his bus. I picked up stone to throw on him and even throw but suddenly something happened and he turned towards me.

I was shocked but thanks to my quick reflex which not let me make fool of myself this time. I quickly acted like I was playing with the rock and averted my eyes for him to the rock.

I saw him looking at me weirdly from my peripheral vision and then went away. I sighed in relief as I slapped my forehead.

'Congratulations!! You were successful in embarrassing yourself yet again Vaishnavi.'



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