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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

I again saw him.... Saw him in my dreams. I don't know why it's soo difficult to ignore him all the time. When I succeed in ignoring him, I see him in my dreams.

It feels like I can never forget him. I know I can never forget him because he is my first love but then again I want to forget him. I am soo flusterated by my weavering emotions.

'I hate when my angry busts out into tears and that is what happening now.'

Sometimes I hate myself from loving a person this much that I am affected by his every single action.

I took out my diary and wanted to write about my strange feeling about him. I took the pen in my hands lying on the desk to write up but I turned blank.

'How should I write..? I mean it feels little weird to share our feelings with a diary but not a person.'

This was the biggest worry. It's not like that I didn't wrote diaries before, I did but I never wrote about my feelings there. I just wrote about what happened that day or about something else. So I am feeling little weird.... Actually not little.

I took out my water bottle to drink water so that my emotions can come back so it would be easy to write.
Before I could drink the water from the bottle, a voice came from my behind making me jerk and close my diary in a flash with bottle in my left hand.

"Ohh meri (my) Lovesick billi (cat)."

That someone from behind said. I thought it was aahan because only he have audacity to disturb me even when I told him not to.

I was going to turn around to smack him but freezed when I in mid-way when I realised that this voice was not of aahan. He was.....


Everyone shouted.

Everyone looked at me with wide eyes and soon after few seconds, everyone busted out laughing.

I started chuckling when I realised what I did.

I soo badly want this habit to go away from me but it is very stubborn.

I look at jatin who was looking at me in amusement while I looked away not daring to laugh in front of me. I thought he would be angry but he is not. Soo unpredictable man!!

'I freaking splashed water on him.'

I have this habit of splashing water on people when I am angry. I did it many times before. My every friend received a splash of water from me but I haven't splashed it on a boy...... Till now.

Jatin was the first boy to receive splashing from him.

"Well you should be proud about the fact that you are the first boy to get that chance. So be honoured Mr. Jatin Rao."

I blurted out before dashing out of the class laughing madly.

But only god knew that from the day I splashed my water on him, my life story will take a drastic turn.



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