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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

"Vaishnavi you seriously did that..?"

Tanvi asked and laughed at me while I pouted looking at her.

"Yes I did it."

I said as I averted my eyes from her and remember what stupidity I did back then in my holidays.

It was 2 June when my family decided to go to a beach for my brother's pre-birthday celebration.

I am a great fan of water but that day I decided not to go in water as I was having periods.

'Damn!!! Why I am soo unlucky..?'

I was soo angry but soon it melted when I saw the weather. The weather was perfect for sitting on a chair, eating bhajiya (an Indian snack) and listening to my favourite songs.

That's what I did. The feeling which I got while doing it was the feeling which I want to feel forever and ever.

Closing eyes, leaving everything behind, forgetting the past, the future and just focusing on the present while feeling the cool breeze coming from the sea hit your whole body.

I looked at my mother who was sitting beside me, doing the same thing which I was doing couple seconds ago.

Suddenly I don't know from where I got this stupid yet lovely idea which I decided to do.

I took a stick of wood which was lying near our car. Glancing at my mother to make sure that she don't see me, I made a love heart.

I giggled lightly with hands on my mouth to prevent my mother to hear it but I laughed when I realised that she was wearing headphones.

After making heart, I wrote 'V❤️V'.

I smiled at that and quickly took a picture of it. I looked at that picture with gace full of admiration. Soon that gace full of admiration was turned to gace of horror when I heard my mom's voice calling me.

"Did your mom saw that heart in which your and vyom's name was written..?'

Tanvi asked with voice full of curiosity while I said no.

Luckily I was able to put sand on it before she could get up from her seat to see what I was doing. I am proud of sudden reflex.

She continued laughing at me while I smiled sheepishly at her.

I told her to stop but she said she can't because it was very funny.

'What's soo funny in that..?'

I shake my head in disbelief with little smile on my face but soon that smile turned into shock when I noticed someone behind us.

Well we both were standing behind one of the bus talking with each other. Earlier I felt like someone was behind me and peeked from the side, only to see no one present there.

I felt like I was hallucinating so I let it slide but now when I peeked, I saw vyom standing there alone with hands in his pant's pocket with an unreadable expressions on his face.

I looked at him with my horror stuck face when he suddenly looks at me with the same unreadable expression before turning around to leave.

'Did he heard about the stupidity which I did..?'



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