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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

"Woah!! It's amazing!! How did you managed to write it..?"

I asked him as I looked at him surprisingly.

'Why does my heart keeps on falling for you
I don't get it
Why does it have to be you
Why does my head over heels for you
I don't get it
Why does it have to be you...

When the weekend comes, I want
To call you and take you outside
Why aren't you answering
What are you doing...'

It's amazing isn't it..?

Aashish wrote it. I always knew that he was die heart fan of Taylor Swift and loves her song, actually everyone in the class knew but I never knew that he is into song writing.

Why I am soo amazed..? Because firstly, it was coolly written and secondly, I can relate it very well. Moreover from childhood I have always wonder about how songwriters write songs. Weird thought but I used to think like that.

'I like this familiar feeling
I like the clumsy way you talk
What about you, what do you think
Of me...... Answer me..'

The next line stated. I am telling, I am in love with this song. I smiled at this soo soo soo relatable lines and continued reading further.

After reading the whole song carefully with my wide suprised eyes, I complimented him.

"Ohh you should be honoured because you are the first one to read it."

I rolled my eyes as I filled the pages of the book to read more of his songs.

'Nice to meet you, where you been?
I could show you incredible things
Magic, madness, heaven, sin
Saw you there and I thought
"Oh, my God, look at that face"
"You look like my next mistake"
Love's a game, wanna play? Ay..'

I saw this song on the next page.

'Pretty Savage'

I thought as I asked him about this song to which he replied it's Taylor Swift's song and recommended me to listen to it.

I flipped to read each and every page of the book had Taylor Swift's song.

I was not at all surprised or shocked after seeing it.

"You are crazy behind her. Crazy Fanboy."

I said and he proudly nodded his head while in background our English teacher was continuously babbling something.

I continued flipping his book as Tanvi instructed me from time-to-time to stop reading it when our English teacher used to look at us.

After the period was over, I couldn't help but to dwell on some thoughts which were invading in my mind from the time I started reading that song which Aashish wrote.

'What if I write something about vyom..?'

That's what I thought and even removed my school notepad to write but stopped when negative thoughts invaded my mind.

'Not all have this gift or ability to write songs....'

After debating for few minutes about what to do, I decided to write up.

I decided to express my feelings with the help of songs.



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