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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

I widened my eyes as I looked at her for confirmation but she being sarcastic, she gave me an unbelievable reply.

"No he is looking at me because I am looking very beautiful today."

She replied as she rolled her eyes at me clearly annoyed by me while my mood was totally opposite of happy.

'Why she always have to be this sarcastic...?'

I thought as I smacked her when maam wasn't looking at us and made my way towards the first bench which was allotted for me.

I could feel someone's eyes following me the whole time but I couldn't dare to look at them.

'What if the pair of eyes are of vyom or what if they are of someone else...?'

The first one made my heart flutter but the latter one made my heart bitter.

Our paper was finished earlier as it was just 25 marks paper while the seniors were still writing as their paper was of 40 marks.

My paper was done in 15 minutes. Yes you read it right... 15 minutes. The paper was very simple and easy so I finished it quickly. Not only me but my other new classmates also completed it very fastly.

Soon the exam was over after 1 hour of torture. I quickly got up to take my bag as I didn't wanted to waste my time.

I packed all my things, gave my senior exam partner a smile and went to my original bench which was in the 3rd row.

I looked at the place where vyom was sitting earlier and boom-

He was not there anymore.

"He went away...."

Tanvi told me as she grabbed my hand and took me to see her crush face. Which dog was behind him that he ran away soo quickly..?

I was hurt but still I managed to laugh at her.

'So desperate to see him.'

Basically if she doesn't see his face, her day wouldn't get completed. That's what she says. Cute, isn't it..?

I was laughing at her explanation as she narrated me how vyom was cheating in the exams while I saw something which broke my heart.

Vyom was peeking inside aarusha's class.

'So he was in hurry because he have to see aarusha..? Apparently yes, it means he didn't moved on and he wants her back in his life even when she is in relationship with some other guy and they are madly in love with each other...? Yes yes yes....'

When tanvi saw what I was looking at, she attempted to take me back to the class before I start crying but I stopped her.

"Let me see what he is doing..."

As the boys of our division started filling the corridor, it was easy for us to hide and spy on him. It was an easy task but somehow for me, it felt hard.

I can feel my heart heavy as I look at him who was asking aarusha to come out to talk with him but she was declining it.

What what love makes a person to do.


(A/n- Hey guys!! I just wanted to know, are you getting bored

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(A/n- Hey guys!! I just wanted to know, are you getting bored..?

Comment down and let me know!!

I hope you guys enjoyed reading it!!

Love ya❤️❤️❤️❤️)

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