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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

"Do you like me..?"

Never in my wildest dreams I thought he will ask me this question.

The next half February month and half of March went in preparation of final exams.

12th March, the last day of our 8th academic session. We all classmates were emotional as next academic year, we get shuffled according to the subject we opted for.

Vyom's grade exams were already over 2 days before ours because of some reasons. We all girls hugged each other and goodbye with a smile on our face.

'Independence day.'

That's what we call when our exams finish. In short, we enjoyed a lot amd cried a lot too.

As soon as I reached home, I screamed my heart out in happiness and opened up the laptop to see dramas.

I don't know what happened but I felt like I should open my facebook account. I glanced around me to check if someone is looking or not.

My mom doesn't know that I am on Facebook. If she comes to know about it, I will be her death meat.

According to her, social media is a bad thing and we children shouldn't use it. I agree to her but I was stubborn as hell and little jealous too because my every friend was on Facebook.

Okay not everyone but kiran was. And when she used to narrate me or tell me what post she saw on Facebook, I used to get jealous. To remove that jealously, I opened an account without my mom's knowledge which was one of the biggest mistake I ever did.

Between 12:45 and 12:50, almost after 15 minutes of surfing on Facebook, a red mark appeared on the icon of the messenger indicating someone messaged me.

I thought it would be kiran or amey because they both are the only whom I talk over on the messanger.

I clicked on that icon to message back when I froze in mid-way.

'A Message from Vyom Khare.'

That was written with bold letters.

Did I mentioned that he is my friend on Facebook..? If no, then yes he accepted my friend request which was very shocking but I was happy. Happy because he didn't accepted friend request of aarvi but he accepted mine.

When I happily narrated this to my friends, they started teasing me with his name and started speculating why he accepted mine and not aarvi's. That time he was dating aarusha so they didn't went to far by saying that he likes me but they surely said that he is interested in me.

I don't want him to get interested in me because it's just temporary and I wanted more then that.

My whole body was stiff for the whole one minute. After when I realised that I was not dreaming and this is reality, I quickly clicked on the conversation.

Talking with me, even if it was for 2 minutes, I was happy.

My jaws started to pain as I didn't stopped smiling from last 10 minutes.

I have to tell about this to someone... Someone who might understand me. But now the question arises, whom should I call.



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