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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

Have you all heard this saying, 'Whenever problem comes, they all come together to a person.'

If you have heard it, then that's what is happening to Aarvi and even me because I am her that friend who is always seen with her in the break.

Besides nikita's temper, yesterday Tisha told one of her and vyom's common friend about aarvi's crush on vyom which was actually a mere attraction.

To fuel up the situation more, I saw their common friend talking to vyom who was looking very angry. I can roughly guess the situation and immediately my mind started giving me red alert when I recalled how nikita said that she going to end this topic forever and make aarvi regret.

'By that sentence does she meant to go to vyom and tell him everything aarvi was feeding gossips to our classmates and her other friends..?'

Does she..? Obviously yes!

She is a type of girl who will do anything to destroy her target and now her target was aarvi.

When I saw nikita moving out of the class after seeing vyom passing by our class, my mind started giving me signals as my theory was accurate.

I went to stop her and I was going to say something when she stopped me by lifting her hand.

"Vaishnavi I know you are attracted to vyom and I also know that you aren't worried about aarvi because she deserves it but you are actually worried about what he will think about you. You trust me, I will not take your name but remember this thing, respect is something which we girls shouldn't lose in any situation."

Her words caught me off-guard.

'What does she meant by that..?'

I thought as I saw her giving me a slight smile before going towards vyom while I saw her going away with my mind in mess.

I was thinking about what does she meant by that but who knew that in the future vyom will make me understand that. Understand how self-respect is more than love in a relationship.


(A/n- Hey guys! Firstly, I want to thank all of you who are reading this book

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(A/n- Hey guys! Firstly, I want to thank all of you who are reading this book. It makes me happy when I see all of you love reading this book. Secondly, I want to tell everyone that this story is a real life story and everything I write , is a real incident. The only difference is the names, the real names of the cast have been changes by me because of some privacy reasons but other than that everything is real.

Thanks for reading it!!

I hope you guys enjoyed reading it!!

Love ya❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)

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