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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

He was my first everything. First are always special but last matters the most.

It was October already and I was sad yet again. Nowadays 'sad' and 'hurt' like words became very familiar to me which is not at all cool.

I have always felt like I know him very well but now I realised that I never knew him properly. He always does things which surprises me very much.

For eg- The time he told one of the girl of his bus to tell me that he is single now and no more in any kind of romantic relationship.

First when I heard this from her, I was like 'dude I know it' but later when Riya told me that he was the one to tell that girl to say such thing to me, I was shocked.

Fortunately, the girl who told me this was good friend with Riya which made it easier for her to find out the exact matter.

In their bus, everyone is scared of vyom because of ample of reason and that mediator girl was no different than others which made it very hard to find out why she told me such thing.

"Don't worry I will find it out.

I remember how riya assured me and told me that she will find out each and every detail about it.

And she did it!!

That girl was scared but as Riya was her good friend and promised not to tell anyone, that mediator girl told her everything.

"Once upon a time, vyom called her and told her to do some work for him. First of all she was really very scared of him as his one death glare is enough for making anyone shut down. Second of all, she was too scared to denied it so she said okay...."

And she went on.

After she finished narrating the whole story and forgetting to highlight the main part where he said what to say, I thought of something.

'That's creepy...'

Riya is soo creepy but still is my friend. I laughed at my thoughts and even blushed remembering how he told her to tell me that he is single.

I was in my own thoughts when someone interrupted it.

'Why do always everyone have to disturb me when I dreaming about him...?'

I asked myself as I turned around annoyingly to see riya who was sitting behind me in a queue.

So basically we were having scouts and guides period aka the free period. Mostly we do nothing in this period, other than going down in the basement and chit chatting.

Sometimes we even bunk it when we sure of the fact that our scouts and guides sir is absent.

We have two teachers- one is sir and other one is a maam. Maam doesn't say anything and let us do anything we want but when it comes to sir, he will not think twice before taking us to the principal's office. Our principal is a very dangerous man.

"Sis someone is staring you continuously."

I closed my eyes knowing who was it.

'Now what's up with him..?'


(A/n- Hey guys!! So any guesses about who is that guy

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(A/n- Hey guys!! So any guesses about who is that guy..?

If you know comment down and let me know and also don't forget to check my other story 'Dear My Only Love' which I just completed editing.

Thanks for reading it!!
I hope you guys enjoyed reading it!!

Love ya❤️❤️❤️❤️)

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