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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

It was 30th June which marked end of our exams and start of something very bad. In 4th period which was hindi period, I got shocked when I saw vyom entering into our classroom but something more shocking episode was waiting for me. His class was also on the 5th floor just like ours and the distance between our classes was just few miles away.

As he entered our class to give hindi worksheets to the our hindi teacher, majority of students started coughing continuously and he was just standing there looking at us with no emotions on his face. That must be embarrassing... very embarrassing for me because even for me it was, who was sitting right in front of him.

I want to glare everyone, shout on them and tell them to stop but I couldn't. I don't know why, it's just I couldn't do that.

I was looking at him until he went away. That was soo bad... in fact worst.

Everyone knew him and I also know how. What aarvi eats which don't let her keep things to herself..?

I told Tisha that I want to say sorry to him for this stupid behavior of our classmates, so I decided to write a letter. Letter is not the best way to communicate but still a good way.

I started writing but as soon as I finished writing it, jatin (a friend of mine who sits in front of me) told Aayush that his name is mentioned in the letter. After hearing to him, aayush took away the letter from me which was then snatched away from aayush by aahan who was sitting adjacent to our seats. Without reading it, the letter went in the dustbin. I saw angry at aahan who just smiled cheekily at me.

As stubborn I am, I started writing the letter again. This time nikita (my seat partner) took it which was again snatched by aahan and again my second letter to vyom went inside the dustbin.

I was so angry and that angriness was soon turned into tears if I wouldn't have controlled it. I hate crying in front of others. Lucky was on my side as no one saw how much afford I was putting to stop my tears expect one person, jatin. Poor me!

Ohh god what are doing to me vyom..?

I wrote that letter again but this time no one took it away from me. Then I prepared a paper envelope on which continuously I wrote 'sorry'.

Now the only question was how should I give him this letter with me being mother of cowards.

So I didn't gave him after trying for ample of times after our dispersal, I didn't succeeded.

I regretted it. I regretted it so much that the scene of him standing in front of our class with blank face, was now haunting me in my dreams too.

'I am sorry'



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