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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

Today I was happy.... Infact very happy but my first love made me sad.

4th June.... It was vyom's birthday today and like cherry on the top, our class teacher announced that his class boys will be coming to our class for exams which is after 1 week.

Tanvi who was sitting beside me, laughed at me making me blush. After seeing me blushing like anything, she started teasing me making me blush more.

I couldn't control my happiness when I met my friends in the break. When they asked why I am soo happy and I told them what happened, they started teasing me making my cheeks turn more than red then it already was.

As if on a cue, I saw you ascending the staircase with your infamous blank face. My cheeks started heating while my eyes followed his each movement with accuracy. I am damn sure that I am looking like a tomato.

A voice interpreted me and made my doubts clear.

"Oyee Tamatar (ohhh Tomato)"

Sanu teased me as I looked at her shyly. I was little dusky in nature, not too fair and not too black. So whenever I used to blush in past because of him, my blush wouldn't be that visible but I guess today has written a different story in my fate.

I was still little bit shy but soon I widened my eyes when I saw my friends approaching him while I and sanu were standing far away from them.

'When they went there..?'

"When you were busy ogling your prince charming."

Sanu cleared my unasked question making me terrified. What if they say something about my crush on him..? I don't even know if he really listened to mine and tanvi's conversation behind the bus. What if he again gets anger on us like last time and will hate me forever..?

I guess I was panicking while looking at their direction when sanu calmed me down by saying that they aren't going to meet vyom but amey who was standing just behind him.

Vyom and his friends were standing on the staircase while talking with each other and Amey and his friends were standing right behind their gang.

As soon as my eyes went on amey, I smiled and waved my hand towards him which he happily reciprocated. We looked like friends who know each other from eternity.

Our small brother-sister moment was noticed by many. First of them was vyom, I thought he will be jealous but his face was blank AGAIN!!

'Man, atleast smile sometimes.'

After almost 2 years of knowing him, I knew that he was a reserved person but smiling isn't a crime, you know.

Second one to notice was sanu who was definitely jealous. I mean why not.... They again broke up. I was very angry when I came to about their breakup but I kept calm because I know they will patch up again and if they not, I am here.... Their patching up cupid.

"Do you know Vaishnavi is in 9th B..?"

Kiran said looking at amey but she was definitely not trying to tell him.

I don't know what happened or what they talked because of the commotion in the corridor but I freezed when I heard his last words before turning around to go away.

"Tell her I am not interested."

He said breaking my heart and hope into pieces which was already broken from the very starting day.



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