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Dear Diary,

Vyom, his name is vyom which means atmosphere. His name suits on him very well because whenever I used to see him, my heart's atmosphere used to change drastically.

It was May month now which means summer vacation. My emotions were fluctuating between happiness and sadness and then again happiness and then sadness. I was happy because my father had return from abroad for vacations and I was sad because of him. That exact person who silently came in my life and sat inside my heart without my knowledge.

The whole month went swiftly with me fluctuating between these two emotions and roaming around my state with my father. Last day of my vacations, I dedicated that day to my summer holiday homework to which I didn't even glance at in the whole vacation.

June started as well as our school also started. I was in a CBSE school whose name itself gave pressure to the students. I made a new friend as my best friend was still in her village. To be precise, she wasn't my friend because I wanted her to be one but it was because of him, I made her my friend and she also knew that. Confusing right..? Let me explain it.

Aarvi was the 'Charactless girl' of our class. That name was kept by our classmates who were very judgemental and even I was but not now which is story of other time. The reason of her and my friendship was that in 7th standard, she was exam partner of vyom.

In exams, senior boys come to our class for writing exam paper and junior boys go to senior class. I was in 7th E whereas he was in 8th E but the only problem was that I was not his exam partner, Aarvi was. They used to sit on 1st bench off 2nd row while I used to sit on 2nd bench of 3rd row.

Aarvi and he used total a lot after they complete writing their papers which used to make me very jealous but my ability of hiding emotions, made easy but hard at the same time.

All my classmates used to tease her a lot by vyom's name which used to make me very envious of her but my ability of hiding emotions, made easy but hard at the same time.

I knew that aarvi was also attracted to him but from what I knew, she was kind of a girl whose emotions for a person changes overnight. So she wasn't a tough competitor but the fact that I consider her as my friend and not a competitor, was funny.

I showed I don't care but when one day Aarvi and Tisha came running towards me hastily and told me that now he was in 9th B, I couldn't stop myself from reacting after hearing that news.

"Which means...."

"Which means, for exams he will go in aarusha's class which is 8th B."

But it was again very funny about how I didn't viewed aarusha as my competitor. What worried me was, his feelings.


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