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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

It was vacation when me and my family members went to enjoy our vacation in our village. I should be excited as usual but this time I was least interested.

The next 15 days of the school after my failure in approaching him, I stopped going out of the class in the break as well as I always avoided looking at him.

Even when his bus used to stand near mine, I used indulge myself in some or other work.

My change was noticed by tanvi but nevertheless, she didn't said anything cause she knew I need space.

It's soo funny that a person whom I never talked with even after knowing that person from childhood, knows me soo well whereas the people whom I know from years, didn't knew me well.

Aahan was transferred to a school which was located in Churchgate as his mother was transferred there. He could have travelled from there to here but it will waste his time. So he and his parents decided to transfer his school.

I was flipping the pages of my diary reading the incidence which made me fell in love with me.

After reading it, I realised one thing i.e., I don't know where it started from.

Yes I don't know. It feels like it just happened. I don't know whether it started from the day I saw him entering in my class for writing exams when I was in 6th standard or the day I saw him coming down with worksheets and his black thick spectacles, searching for someone when I was in 7th standard or......

"Vaishnavi aren't you hungry..?"

My mom asked worriedly as I haven't eaten since morning and I also skipped my lunch.

'I can feed my stomach with food when I am hungry but what about hunger of my heart..? How will I feed it..?'

I thought as I looked at her for saying I am not hungry again but after looking at her expressions, I aborted my mission and instead I said that I am hungry.

When I first saw him, it wasn't in my class during the exam time nor it was in the corridor holding worksheet and spectacles, it was....

"Look, whenever I scold you, I don't feel like doing it but I have too because I don't want you to go through all the problems which I went through. I never got the freedom which I needed so I gave you all the freedom but you should know your limits...."

When she said that last sentence, I could feel that she was indicating it to something.... Or should I say someone.

I wasn't able to look in her eyes after what she said but I was damn sure about what she indicated. Her voice itself said everything.

"..... You grow up, stand up on your own feets and then do whatever you want. But for now focus on your future because it's important. Nowadays girls have too stand on their own feets and should able to stand proudly in front of men."

That's it. She knows everything but how....?

She wants me to forget vyom..? Okay I am ready to do it only if she tells how to do that.

He is like black hole, I can't stop myself from getting involved with him even when he keeps hurting me.



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