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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

It was cold month of February. My lips were dry and I was nibbling them to remove that dry layer from my lips.

Yes I know it's hurts and even sometimes blood ozes out but from childhood, it have became my favourite thing to do.

I was sitting down on the bench while looking in front where our maths teacher was teaching us. To be honest, this maths teacher was my favourite one and I like to listen to her even when I don't like the subject.

She is kind one of all the teachers.

I always tend to listen to her but today I was not able to concentrate on the lecture.

I was thinking about how my life would be after he leaves him.

Today was his last day in the school and tomorrow is our seniors farewell. Soo badly I wanted to get myself enroll in volunteering of farewell party but I couldn't get in.

'Now I wonder
If you
Will keep me in your heart
As a flashback of
Our memories...'

I was writing about whatever comes in my mind and soul.

Even when I know he will not keep me in his heart, hell!! He will not even remember me but still I wanted to write it.... For him.

'Now I wonder
If we could have
Made our love story, a perfect one
As a flashback of
Our memories...'

I was in my own thoughts and continued writing not knowing what was going to happen.

"Vaishnavi that girl was calling you name."

My neck suddenly straighten up as I looked at a girl who was standing on the door of our class.

"Vaishnavi, go with her. Neema maam is calling you."

Wow!! Never in my wildest wildest dreams I thought this will happen to me.

Neema maam is the incharge of the farewell and if she was calling me, then for sure I am going to volunteer in farewell.

Few minutes ago, I was sitting sulking on the bench whereas now, I was bleaming widely, flashing all my teeths.

Bingo!! I was right.

She was enrolling me in games team and told me to come tomorrow sharp at 7:30 am.

I was happy... So happy that I was literally jumping when I returned back to my class.

Tanvi understood what happened even before I said it and Riya was shocked.

Few days before, our English teacher gave her the speech part where was going to start the program.

Damn!! I was soo jealous of her.

And her teasing that I didn't got selected, made me more jealous but now I was one of the student who will hold farewell for our dear seniors.

The school ended with me happily delivering my enrollment news to my friends.

I was feeling that I was drunk... Drunk in happiness but that drunkenness of happiness didn't stayed for too long.

I told the reason of my happiness to a girl in my bus when she asked me why I was soo happy.

Coincidentally she was in vyom's tuition classes and knows him very well. She even knows my crush on him.

She was happy for him too but her mind works differently than others.

'Let's see how he feels about this..?'

Even before I could protest it, she called vyom from one of the bus windows as today his bus and mine were parked adjacent to each other.

She told him about my enrollment and after she was done, we both were patiently waiting for his answer when he said something which made my heart ache.

"Usko bol agar voh aayegi, toh main nahi aaunga."

("Tell her if she comes, then I will not come.")

I didn't even realised that tears were flowing from my eyes after listening to his answer until riya hugged me tightly.

I kept on crying until our bus started. Our bus was near Kalamboli circle when I took deep breath and wiped away my tears.

With a heavy heart and voice, I said.

"He don't want me to come right..? Then I will not come. I will do as he wants me to do even when I know that teachers will scold me a lot for that.

Mr. Vyom Khare, This is the last time we are seeing each other.

Let's Strangerzone each other."



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