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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

What should I say now..? That eye contact made me craved for more and his smile made me starve every day.

After that eye encounter day, he started coming down very frequently in the break period which somehow made my hopes high even when I told myself not to hope but still my hopes were on its peak. My class was on 4th floor and his class was 5th floor.

Soon Tisha (one of my close friend) told me the actual reason which did nothing but crashed down all my hopes. She was the only one who somehow acknowledged my growing interest towards him and told me everything she knew about him.

She knew him very well because she was one of his friends, so she told me how heartbroken he was because of a girl and how bewitched he was of her beauty. He is chasing her down to bring her back in his life and that's the actual reason why he was coming on this floor in the break.

I also came to know that they were in a relationship but she broke up with him. That girl was once my best friend in middle school, Aarusha. World is soo small, right.

She was indeed very beautiful and compared to her, I was just an average looking girl who is always very insecure about how she looks.

'Beauty resides in heart and not in face.'

This is just a quote for teenagers like us because no one takes it seriously.

That news and my own insecurity crashed down my hopes but what about my attraction towards him...? My attraction towards him didn't subdued and turned into something very complicated.

I was hurt but I didn't let that emotions open up in front of others. My heart used to ache whenever I used to see him in front of her classroom but what can I do..? Nothing. I was no one to tell him to stop and moreover whenever she used to look at him, even just for 1 second, he used to be happy...... very happy to be precise.

Once what my mother said was true, I am master of hiding emotions and I will hide them if he sees his happiness in her.



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