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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

Soon days turned into weeks and weeks turned into 2 months, we were finally in 8th grade.

For the whole 1 month I saw how he used to wait for her one glance and how I used to wait for his. The other one month of vacation, I spent in his memories.

In this 2 months, I never stopped wondering about how a person whom I didn't knew before, became such an important part of my life just in 3 months.

"He is one year older than you but you are more mature than him because he is running behind a girl, who clearly don't want him and here you are, not making a move because you know he will never accept you."

That's what Tisha told me in the end of our academic year.

'...not making a move...' That never crossed my mind or it did but my subconscious let it slide, I don't know but one thing which I knew was that, 'I was a coward.'

I was a coward who can't even tell him how I feel about him, about my attraction towards him. I was coward who can't even look in his eyes directly but still I crave for his eyes to land on me. I am such a coward.

First day of the new academic year, I took a resolution of studying hard and forgetting my attraction towards him. The first one wasn't that hard but the latter one, was tough... very tough. But I was adamant to ignore you when I saw your bus parking near my bus and you getting down of it. I was nearly successful but I lost it when I saw you looking at me for the first time in the last 3 months, for more than 1 minute.

That's when I came to know that this guy will create hassle in my life.



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