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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

I let my worriedness slide because we still have 15 days for exam and I don't want to spend my whole 8th standard in worry. If fate had written our stars in such way then we are no one to change it. Whatever has to happen, will happen regardless of whatever I do. If I will do something, it will do nothing but will make the situation worst.

That time, I sat doing nothing but just looking at the scene which was unfolding in front of me, vyom entering in her class with biggest smile on his face. I never saw him smiling so widely and it was contagious that it made me smile too but what I didn't know was that something bad was going to happen after the first exam. I also didn't knew what will my friendship with aarvi do to me.

Aarvi was a lier, to be honest she liked to exaggerate things. It's okay to exaggerate but we should know it's limit and she definitely didn't knew that.

I noticed it for 2 to 3 months and always in the end I decided to ignore it but when she started exaggerating things about vyom, I lost it.

I knew that she will continue talking about it even after telling her not to do it, so I made a deal with her. If she tells anyone about vyom or lies anything about him, I will tell aahan about her having crush on him (as I already said her emotions/crush changes overnight). I will also tell him that falling of Aarvi on top of you, was the plan of Aarvi and Tisha. I know aahan will not mind as we both were really very close but he will surely fake his anger.

She agreed to this deal making me relaxed even when I was damn sure that this deal isn't going to last long.

Few days before, I dreamt of him and me dancing in the rain but who knew that dream of mine, after few days will come true on the same day of me making the deal with aarvi. The only difference was that he was sitting in the bus while I was standing in the basement. We both were half-wet with him staring me intensely. I was nervous but I ignored it and acted like I was enjoying the rain droplets falling on my palms while he was doing the same. Rainy season is my favorite season. It's the season which has ability to scare shit out of us and also the ability to love us by drizzling on us.

He is was still staring me and I was standing still on the same place from last 10 minutes glancing him from time to time but I can't help to overthink even in this surreal moment.

Will this story have a happy ending..?



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