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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

Playing in the rain is the first thing I prefer to do at the beginning of the rainy season and the first thing which my mother prefer to do at the beginning of the rainy season is to stop me from getting fully drenched in the rain.

She says, not says but scolds me stating that I will get ill and I give her a look of 'do-I-look-like-I-care?' which she royally ignores.

I sighed as I looked out of the window only to look at rain droplets furiously falling on the ground while in the background our Maths teacher was blabbing some equations.

I hate maths. I hate that subject from core of my heart.

I don't even like that teacher also but I can't bring myself to hate her because she is also Maths teacher of vyom, a subject which he loves.

'How can someone be so dedicated to a subject like Maths?'

I looked at Tisha who was sitting adjacent to me. She also loves that subject. You should see her score in Maths, they are also above 75 out of 80 marks.

Even my mom was scholar in Maths and love that subject. Why the hell I didn't get that gene of her in me..?

I got out of my trance when I realized that the bell just rang indicating Maths period was over and now it's activity period.

I did mental dance before getting up and going to the washroom to change into jersey and shorts which I luckily didn't forget today.

I love sports and that's the only reason I don't miss any activity period. I know how to play almost every game but my favourites sports are Handball and Cricket and now Football too when I saw vyom playing football.

I was shocked when our sir told us that today few selected seniors will be also playing with us which will be considered as their part of selection for zonal rounds. Even for us it was like selection but not the final one.

Today every sport which is conducted on our school ground was having selection. By looking at the coaches, they were looking all well-prepared.

We all juniors groaned when we came to know that juniors have to play which coaches decide us to play.

I damn sure they will us the games which we don't like or which we are not good in.


I got football. I saw many championships of football and etc etc but I seriously don't know how to play. What made it more worst was that it was junior girls vs senior boys.

From when did my school started to believed in keeping girls and boys together in a match.

Ohh god!! I swear from the time that old man became principal of this school, he have always tried to keep boys and girls away from each other even in the school picnic. The only we all are together is in the classroom.

Man! This is discrimination!

"Dekho chehre se dekh kar lag raha hai ki inko kuch nhi aata football ke baarme aur upar se ye ladkiya kya ukhad legi humara. (See from their faces I can tell you that they don't know anything about football and moreover what power does the girls have to make us lose. "

I looked at the boy who said such disgusting words. He was one of our senior. Cheapster!

I looked at vyom who was looking at me with challenging look on his face.

'Woah is he challenging me?'

I was flabbergasted and went to some other world but soon was pulled back when they shamefully added few more lines.

"Kisne kaha hai ki agar tumse kuch nhi hota, toh haar mani chahiye. (And somone said that if you don't know how to do a thing, you should accept your fate and back off.)"

I looked again at vyom who was still giving me a challenging look but it was clear that he was unhappy with the statement his footballmates are saying.

Before he can speak to stop them, someone with bold voice and a voice full of confidence made them speechless.

"Kisne toh ye bhi kaha hai ki apne kaam se matlab karna chahiye aur dusro ke kaam main tang aachi baat nahi hai. So mind your own business Mr. Whatever-your-name-is. (Someone have also said that we should mind our own business and meddling in other's business in not a good thing. So mind you own business Mr. Whatever-your-name-is."

Oh it was me. I was surprised by my own counter attack but little did I know that after this incident will be shaping the future me, the bold Vaishnavi who will people on the basis of how they treat us.



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