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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

9th standard!! 9th Standard!!

The school was starting again and I was not ready to face it. There were two reasons for it- 1) I was now in 9th Standard which is known as a very important stage for us and this scared me a lot but I was not that much scared as I was of the second reason.
2) Proposing vyom. This scared me more than showing my parents, my maths subject answer sheet.

"Hey, can I sit with you from tomorrow..?"

A known girl said to me making me shock but soon I smiled nodding and giving her a positive answer. She was Tanvi... I knew her from childhood but we never talked with each other but now I guess, we will have to talk frequently.

Today in the morning, I was soo nervous because of the shuffling of the class but soon that nervousness turned into happiness when I entered that class.

I took 'Hindi' language which means I can get any class in between a to c and I division which is basically mix of subjects 'Hindi', 'Marathi' and 'Sanskrit'.

I wanted to go in 'B' division. Why..? Because if I get into 'B' section, I can easily meet vyom in the exams as seniors came to write exam papers in junior classes.

I already started fantasizing many things when a voice startled it.

"Hindi students should stand outside and wait for their class teacher."

We all went outside from the class we were sitting in.

Sanu, aarvi, me and more 5 students were with us standing outside for a quite long time, when we decided to approach teachers so that we can know in which class we are.

Firstly we went to 'I' division, in which sanu's name came. I was sad but 'it's okay, we will meet each other every day', that's what I told to myself.

We then went to 'A' division, in which jatin and many more students name came. Jatin was not happy as he went inside.

I was looking at him in a confused manner asking myself why he is unhappy but soon slide it as it was none of my business.

We remaining students went to 'B' division. As I ascend my feets forward towards my class, I could feel my heart pounding loudly as if it wants to come out of my chest.

"Don't you guys see I am busy. Just stand there and I will come to you to announce who is in my class."

The class teacher of that division said in a ln annoyed way. I should get angry but to my luck, I was busy handling my fragile heart.

We then went to 'C' division, in which aarvi's name came.

'Thank god now she is not in my class.'

That's what I thought but I soon freezed when I realised something.

'A division is done, I division is done and C division is also done with B division only one in which I didn't saw my name...... Which means I am in B..."

As soon as I realised it, me who was tried was now smiling brightly.

Oh gosh I always wanted to go in B section but now when I am in that section, how will I handle him for 1 hour when only his 1 second glimpse is able to set my whole body on Fire Of Love.



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