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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

'Something good will happen today.'

I hummed this words as I got ready for the school today. I was happy as my left eye was weavering continuously from the time I got up.

Call me old-fashioned or anything, I believe this superstition.

I have a modern way of thinking with old-fashioned way mixed. Well, it's complicated but I can't deny the fact that whenever my eyelids weaver, something good happens.

Maybe it could that whenever our eyelids weaver, we think that something good will happen and we tend to take everything which happens to us in a good way. Maybe that's could be the reason behind this superstition.

Today was our English paper and I was ready for it.

My bus arrived earlier than yesterday which made me land in the school early.

When I was on the 5th floor, announcement for the assembly started and that's when I saw him walking in the corridor too.

I was dreaming of him until someone pushed me, that's when I stepped into the reality.

I heard the speaker making it's last announcement before the prayer starts. We have this rule in our school that whenever prayer starts, you have to stay wherever you are in the school.

So I quickly ran towards my class and entered before him not before taking permission of the invigilator. He entered after me with some of his friends.

Immediately after morning prayer was done, our invigilator gave us the answer sheet and told us to fill the details. The reason of her eagerness- Today was Maths paper for 10th Standard. Writing maths paper takes a lot of time. Maths was vyom's favourite subject while I hated that subject from core.

Answer sheets were distributed and few minutes after, question papers were also distributed.

We all juniors finished our paper earlier than the seniors.

'Thank you soo much Keerthana.... God bless you!!'

I praised one of my friend who called me.

Basically what happened was that our teacher/invigilator went outside for some work and told our class monitor to keep an eye on us but what the invigilator didn't knew was that the monitor will let us cheat.

I was showing answer to Vridhi when someone called me from behind. I quickly turned around to find vyom looking at me.

'Did he called me..?'

Definitely not! I was very quick to avert my eyes to the girl who was sitting right beside him. She was Keerthana and also the one to call me.

She asked me a question by her hands as I answered her by moving my lips.

Soon after I turned around, the teacher entered. I sighed in relief as I didn't got caught.

'That was freaking soo close!!'

I sneakily looked at Tanvi who was looking at me and laughing at my close dismissal.

But how could I give any reaction to her when I was still thinking about that eye-to-eye encounter with the person I love.



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