Strangerzone 2

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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

It was Mid-February when he decided to leave me. It wasn't surprising because I knew that one day or the other, he will leave me but still it hurted me.

Even when I knew that I loved the wrong person or even when I knew that he isn't the one for me, I got hurt because no matter what, I can't change the fact that he was my first love. I can just accept that fact and live with it for my whole life.

Today I knew that I saw him for the last time but still this stupid heart doesn't wants to get over our ending.

'How much more you have to get hurt Miss. Heart...?'

This love is such a strange thing. It makes is realise how strong is love but at the same time, it makes us weak.

For me love is, when you trust a person soo blindly that even when someone close to you say something bad about them, you don't doubt your love ones.

For me love is the feeling of warmth and comfort but now I understood that in love we feel pain and sadness too.

I know that everyone has there own version of love. Whatever version of love it is, it should be pure and not just some kind of sexual one.

I understood that the pain which I felt was just the starting, ahead I will suffer more because life is full of tests and suffering, not full of strawberries and vanilla.

Planet Earth don't have the world of strawberries and vanilla.

Today I cried. I know I shouldn't cry for him but I promised myself that this would be the last time that I will cry for him.

'For moving ahead, we should let out everything which we are holding in.'

By crying I will be removing all my frustrations.

Crying doesn't makes you weak but it shows how strong you are.

I looked in front of me.... My personal diary. That diary which was full of his memories.

It was lying on my bed while I was crying. I took that book in hand to read it.

I am definitely not that kind of girl who will just burn up the pages which I wrote for 3 freaking years.

'No why should I do that..? I will be just wasting my all time which I invested in it and my pen's ink.'

I pouted when I realised how matured I sounded like.

I know once I opened up this book of memories, I will get drowned into it.

'Do you want to read it..?'

I ask my heart.

Now I know what I need to do.

For letting myself move on, I should make myself learn few biggest lessons of life which Mr. Wrong taught me.

Even when he can't love me, he aleast was capable of teaching me the most important lessons of my life.

"Let's open up this book of memories to make myself understand how loving myself is more important than love someone other.

It was better to strangerzone him because my story is yet to finish."



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