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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

It really happened..

They really broke up..

I thought it wasn't true but it is. It's the truth.

Even when I knew it was the truth, my heart disagree to believe it.

I should be happy but I am not.

'I can't see vyom unhappy. I backed off because of his happiness. Now don't let my plan spoil.'

I prayed but it was of no use.

"From what vyom told me, Daksha maam (his class teacher) is the main reason why they broke up..... No they to be exact... It's aarusha who broke up with him even after he begged her not to do so."

Ohh gosh!! Begged?? Is he seriously...?
It's true when people say that we do all crazy things in love.

"You know right how much daksha maam hates him..?"

I definitely know it. She hates him but I am her favourite student.

When I said we both are of opposite personality, I didn't lied.

"So she took the chance to complaint his parents about the same. Vyom's parents are little bit conservative so they were angry but aarusha's parents were cool because of they are open minded people.

Still, she was the one who broke up with him.

He wa-"

She was continuing when I stop her by saying something which I never thought will come out of my mouth.

"But tisha you don't know the story of the other side."

She was only narrating me the story of vyom's side but not of aarusha's.

I feel there is something more to the story.

We both were now standing in the corridor and aarusha was right in front of our eyes talking with her friends.

"Umm... Do you remember when you told me that after when she broke up with vyom, she went in relationship with himansh...?"

She hummed in response and I smiled sadly.

"She was confused...."

I said as I look at her who was searching for someone. She was the same girl who was the reason of his happiness for 5 months but now she is the one who is the reason of his sadness.


"She loves himansh."

The moment that words left my mouth, tisha looked at me in a shocked way.

"How did you know..?"

To her answer I just smiled and she was smart enough to know my answer behind that smile.

'I have been in love and also out of it, so I can feel the pain behind her eyes.'

She regretted breaking up with vyom but her love for himansh was greater than anything else. I feel bad for vyom but happy for her.

"Vaishu it's your chance to steal your man back."

Sanu teased me and I unknowingly blushed at the words she spoke.

I would be lying if I said that I was not happy. I was happy and even I got my confidence back but I need to wait... Wait till he heal.

But now the question arises, Will he ever go back in relationship after getting a major heartbreak...?

(A/n- HEY GUYS!! HAPPY NEW YEAR 💖✨Wish you get all the happiness in the world this coming year

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Wish you get all the happiness in the world this coming year.💖✨)

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