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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

It feels nice when you know someone who knows you from childhood. Whether it be a girl or a boy, it's a cute feeling. The one who we can threaten so that they can't complaint about us to our mother and vice-versa.

I have a childhood friend named Prahar. We played doctor-doctor together, hide and seek, kicking each other and also sometimes beat each other. We both were each other's first best friends.

'Ek ladka ladki kabhi dost nhi ban sakte.'

(It's a famous bollywood dialogue- 'A boy and a girl can never just be friends.)

I never got this line and will never in the future too. From me, it's stupid.

What make our childhood bond strong is that- First, we are born in the same month but I am older than him by 12 days. Second, from balcony we can see each others house and we can talk with each other anytime we want. Third, we go to the same school and leaving near by, we both can borrow notes if we don't write one in the school.

But now he is teasing me.

Why?? Because he came to know about my crush on vyom. I remember how I continuously teased him in front of everyone with his crush name, even in front of his parents.

'God!! I am in trouble.'

I was angry.... Very angry by his teasing looks which we was giving me time to time.

'This is how it feels to get teased.'

I thought as I scrunched my nose. It's bad... Not a good experience. I don't know why people like it but somehow I am liking it. Vyommm!! What are doing to me...?

I was sitting in the bus while glaring at Prahar and from my peripheral vision, I can see vyom's bus coming.

I was suddenly nervous. What if Prahar teases me in front of him or he shouts..? I did that same thing with his crush but to my defense, she knew his crush on her but vyom doesn't knows my crush on him.

I was panicking from inside but soon relaxed when I realised that he haven't saw him till now.

I was relaxed but I didn't let my anger look vanish but soon something happened which melted my heart and my angry look too.

Vyom's bus was on left side and ours was on the right side. He was sitting on the left side which made it difficult for me to see him.

As if sensing my difficulty, he got up from his seat with his fractured left hand hanging with the help of his neck and walked to the right side to open the window which was blocking my parth.

My cheecks would be red by now and I kept my hands on my cheecks to stop them from smiling like an idiot while he went back to his seat and watched me from there.

It looks like that window was blocking his parth too.

He was staring at me for a quite long time as both of our buses were stuck in the traffic.

I was smiling looking at front and looking at him with my peripheral vision but soon my smile faded when realisation stuck me. He likes someone else who is not me. Someone else who is more beautiful than me and more confident than me.

Why do he have to stare me like that if he likes aarusha..? Do he knows what he is doing with my heart..? Is he giving me hope while doing all these staring and all..?



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