Part Fifty-One

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How's the celebration in your place??

 Easter6 wanted to read David's POV, well, here it is 💕💕⛄💐💃🎉🥂
Enjoy ↓ ↓

Part Fifty-One


David's POV...

It's been more than a week since Nnenna and I broke up, more like, she broke things up with me. At the last day of WAEC, she didn't even glimpse at me, not even for two seconds. I had no idea that she felt that bad with what happened between us, that she even returned all the past questions on JAMB that I offered her.

After the examinations on Friday, I sent a junior student to give her an apology letter I prepared for her, together with the past questions. I stood afar when she came out from the chapel with a couple of friends, watching as she laughed heartily and spoke to them about something. She was truly beautiful, but it was a beauty that was rare to find. Her long braids until past her shoulders, her glowing eyes that lit up with amusement whenever she found something humourous or learnt something new. She was just too simply beautiful, to state the fact.

When the boy arrived to where they stood, she paused to hear him out, then said something back to him. He turned to leave when he stopped, Dinma, one of the girls with her, took the books from him and sent him off. I don't know what Dinma said to her, but I saw her taking the books from her and headed towards the gate. I was happy that at least, she accepted the books. Inside one of them, she would find the apology letter. I can only hope that she forgives me after reading it.

“Bro, exam don finish na, make we bounce,” Timothy jilted out of my thoughts.

“Yes, I'm waiting for Hassan,” I told him.
He shrugged nonchalantly and walked out, leaving me alone.

“You ready?” I heard Hassan saying behind me.

I turned to look at him, he referred the question to me. “Yes, let us go.”

We had to go for one final football match amongst ourselves. It was strictly for the boys in the graduating set, the females and other students could watch if they wanted, but they won't interfere in the game.

When we arrived at the field, a lot of us were already gathered there, pulling off their uniforms and wearing on a jersey. Hassan and I joined in. We were divided into two batches; batch A consisted of eleven players with all the odd numbers, while batch B had also eleven players with all the even numbers. I fell into the second batch. The two groups formed a big circle, said a short prayer before the whistle rang out.

I realized in the middle of the game that I was really going with the flow, unlike it has been for me throughout the examination. Football was my second love and I've missed playing the game. I ran with agility and speed, my mind focused on getting the ball and kicking it into the goalpost. After the first half, we went on a short break. Some students have already made themselves present on the field bench, it was break time so they were free to watch. Most of the females in our set were nowhere to be seen, but I sighted Daphne with some friends, and Nnenna with her friends as well.

I wanted to go and talk to her and ask if she's read the letter, but something stopped me from approaching her. She might walk out of the game and I won't have the opportunity to show my talent off to her. Instead I sat on a stool and drank from the energy drink I had in my hand. Then I poured water over my head and rested for a bit, before the second half commenced. At the end of the game, batch B won by three to two points, to batch A. I felt fulfilled.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now