Part Fifty (A new leaf?)

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Part Fifty
A/N:: Like seriously, guys we've made it to fifty chapters, I honestly can't believe this. When I started writing this book, I never envisioned it as going past thirty chapters, but here we are. So I must say thank you all for the votes, comments and for the follow. This book is currently at 36K reads and it's all thanks to the Father in Heaven who brought you all my way. Much love everyone 💕💕💕🌟🥂.

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Daphne's POV

Shame was the only way I could describe how I felt at the moment, and I don't even remember the last time I felt so ashamed of anything that I did.
How I failed to understand the danger Tims was putting herself into, was beyond me. Despite the numerous teachings, moral instructions and even health implications about unplanned, teenage-pregnancy and abortion, I got myself entangled in the mess Tims and Praise created.

Added to that, Bella once again has managed to prove that she's the most sensible one in the two of us. I was beyond scared when she threatened to spill the entire truth to my mother, if I didn't join her home. Not that I was shaken by her threat, or that I feared my mom would react badly, I just didn't want to look even more irresponsible than I already seemed in my mom's eye.
Oh! How bad I felt when she said to Bella that she expected me to behave badly, just how did our relationship turn so sour. This realization made me hate Bella more.

I crashed down on the bed and spread my arms apart, today wasn't really going the way I expected. I wondered how Tims was putting up with her family and situation, I truly wanted to be by her side at this point in her life, just as she's always been in mine. But her father bluntly showed his disapproval to my request, I felt like he blamed me partly for his daughter's foolishness. I couldn't help but recall all the times Tims took a blame upon herself for me, how she always took a stand and always defended me, yet, today when she needed me the most, I wasn't there with her. I hated myself. Bella was probably right about me having a poor judgemental ability.

Perhaps the right thing to do now was to tell Mom about everything, she might be angry and judge me but she was still my mother and wouldn't forsake me. Besides, it wasn't like I was the pregnant one. I got up from the bed and got my diary. I began to practise writing an apology letter to her after I confess everything to her. Her anger was something I could never fathom, and something I've never been prepared for.

Later that night, after dinner- which we had together as a united family, that made my mom really happy- I summoned courage to come to light about everything to mom. After lights out, I knocked on the door to her bedroom. It clicked, then opened to reveal her standing behind dressed in maroon nightie.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now