Part Twenty ( Truth be told)

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Part Twenty

Hassan's POV

  "My brain's smoked. Please... can we postpone this, I'm serious... I can't take anymore stuff into my head."
I complained in small voice, rubbing my forehead with my thumb and forefinger.

  "What do you say, shall we pity your brother?" Roxanna, Roxy for short as we normally call her, asked my twin sister, Hadith.

"Yeah, let's pity him. I'm sure he'll get up even earlier tomorrow morning to continue reading." Hadith said to her, also in whispers. Because currently we're sitting inside the public library.

"Okay!" Roxy exclaimed as she closed her notes and textbooks, packing them into her bag.

"Mhmm...which reminds me. Peter, there's this video game I planned to collect from you. Did you bring your phone today?" I asked Peter, a classmate of ours.

"Yes, I did. But bro, the mb big oo." He told me whilst fishing the phone from his pocket.

  "Iye! You don't mean it. So're using Camon 11x. You be big boy oo." I took the black long flashy android from his outstretched palm.

"Stay there naa, I even want to buy the latest version." He announced and zipped his bag.

Seeing the phone made me embarrassed to bring out mine, but I have no other option. I already told him I needed something from his.
I slowly brought out my Techno Spark4, and swiped to unlock it.

  There's no hope of a new phone for me until my WASSCE results are out, my father would certainly make sure of that.

  "Unlock am bro." I turned it towards him. I really can't tell what he did but I felt the phone vibrate, indicating that it has been unlocked.

  I collected the video game I needed and returned the phone to the owner. Looking up, I noticed that Peter and I were the only people still standing by our table. Roxy and Didi must have left us, no doubt, they're probably having the gossip of their lives.

As Peter and I stepped out of the public library, we saw Didi running back towards us.
   "What's wrong Didi?" I asked, clinging the strap of my brown bag tightly.

"I forgot my packet of wipes on the table we made use of." She pouted, looking at me and expecting me to go back inside and get it for her.

"Okay, go and get it while we wait for you." I told her firmly. Not willing to weaken my resolve. I'm not being her puppet anymore.

"Don, babban yaya ." (please big brother)

"Mtcheww! You owe me big time, hope you know that." I began grumbling after speaking my mind to her. I turned back and went into the brightly lit library with walls painted in white colour.

  I looked at the table we used and saw a small orange wrapped pack, I picked it and tossed into my bag. As I made my way out, I heard a loud bang before I could get to the door.

On getting to the door, I tried to open it but it seems to be locked from outside. I brought out my phone and dialed Hadith's number.

"Hello San, what's it?" I heard her ask.

"D, I think I'm locked in. Please quickly get help, I'm the only one in this section of the library." I yelled into the phone. Not caring if she heard or not, I ended the call.

I quickly sent a short message to her and forwarded same to Peter as well, I didn't want to take any chances.
I sat down on one of the chairs and began playing the video game. While I'm locked here, I can as well enjoy my time.

  After like thirty minutes, I heard the sounds of the door unlocking and immediately I logged out of the game.

  I turned to the door and await the person who unlocked the door. To my unbelievable surprise, I saw David Adeleke and just then the loud bang of the door sounded again.

  "What the..." He almost cursed before recollecting himself. He marched towards the door in his usual bold steps and pushed it, yet the door didn't budge.

  "What is this now?" He asked, more like barked at me.

"What is what?" I turned the question to him.

  "What sort of childish trick is this to get me to be stuck here with you, are you really that bored that you can't think of anything better." He flung his arm around to emphasize his anger. 

"What exactly is your problem David? I know you have a score to settle with me, can you just get straight to the point and stop beating about the bush!" I felt my anger rising too.

"Oh so you want to play dumb...I see. Tell me then, why I got a message saying that you're in trouble then I find you here, sitting comfortably."

  "You got a message, which message cause I never sent you any..." I paused when the thought that perhaps it could be David I forwarded the message to, came into my mind.

  I checked my outbox again and confirmed that it's really Peter that I sent the message to, so why is he claiming to have gotten a message from me. I took the phone in his hand and swiped to unlock it but it has a passcode.

Typical David.

He rolled his eyes at my actions and snatched his phone back. He walked back to try to unlock the door by banging it continuously. I copied his earlier act and rolled my eyes at him. I think I know who sent him the text.

'Hadith is going to be the death of me'.

"You know this is a library and you're making all this noise." I tell him

"Well duh, it's the only way I can get some fresh air." He harshly replied.

"David we have to talk, things between us are getting even worse and the longer it lingers, the worse it's going to be." I took small but determined steps towards the door where he's standing.

  "Can't we just forgive and's been almost a year now."

"I would have let things go, if I didn't learn how you went behind my back and stabbed me. My brother from different parents, you suddenly betrayed me." He smiled bitterly and tsked.

  I let him complete what he has to say, because in the ten months David and I had the misunderstanding that tore us apart, this is the longest we have spoken. And I couldn't prove him wrong even if I wanted to, he's telling the truth.

I did betray him and willingly at that.


  Oooh my goodness😱😱😱

Shit's about to go down...why would Hassan the gentle one do that to a hothead like David?

Expect the next chapter soon to find out.


Don't enjoy this drama alone.

                       Yours sincerely,

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now