Part Forty-Eight (Didn't think...)

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Daphne's POV

Timmi and I have been putting this off for a long time, now, the time has come to do something about it. She's hell-bent on having an abortion and I'm feeling so scared for her. After learning the truth about who the father of her unborn child was, I tried convincing her to get in touch with him and let him know about the baby. Knowing her very well, she abruptly turned me down also threatened to cut all ties with me and go ahead with her decision on her own, should I try to interfere again.

I know I was being stupid and reckless going along with her on this, but I felt that I was partly to blame for her current situation. If only I was a strong person and a better friend to her, then she might have not been in this puddle. This soup was a really thick one. There was no one to talk to about this. Timmi's parents were the religious type and wouldn't take it lightly the news of her being pregnant. Her brother, Joaquin, could be passed off as being the most unserious in the family and might spill the secret to their parents. Telling our other friends was out of options, who knew who could hear it next.

The secret was between the two of us alone, and to be quite honest, it was killing me by the day. The dreadful feeling that the abortion may not be successful, the guilt of lying to my mother everyday, just so I could see Timmi. As I had also done today. I had again, refused to stay at home with Bella and the rest- claiming that I already had a study group and didn't want to fail them. Of course mother didn't fail to advise that I include Bella in the group, but I managed to convince her that I needed to speak with my friends first on the matter.

I left the house after Tims called, I prayed earnestly that nothing goes wrong cause I don't know if I'd ever have the face to look people in the eye anymore. I did not wait for Aboy to drop me off, I took a cab to her house and together we went to a pharmacy. On arrival to the pharmacy, we gave a tall dark man- clad in white overall and a pair of reading glasses- a small white paper where Tims had scribbled the name of the pill. Wherever or whoever she got the idea from, she failed to mention it to me. The man- after staring quizzically at the paper and then at us- requested for a valid identification card from us. We couldn't present any.

"My aunt sent us," I was quick to cover up with a lie, but it seemed even that wasn't enough to fool him.

"Mind to explain why she couldn't come on her own?" he probed.

"She was feeling this acute pain, and we were the only ones at home with her." I replied.

His expression clearly showed that he didn't believe me one bit. "Well, tell your aunt that I can't give out the drug written down on this paper, without a valid identification card. Or...she could come on her own."

This was tougher than it seemed, but Timmi would just not give up, not when we were this close.
"But mister, if this drug was meant to save her life then, she might as well die from the pain," she started.

The man gave her a once-over and curtly replied, "the earlier she sought help, the better. So I would advise you two to hurry up."

"Come on, let's go." I nudged Tims on the arm, she stared at the man like he was her last line.
But, later she pulled herself together and followed slowly behind me, out of the store.

"Daph, a ko le lọ sibẹsibẹ, let's try again in some other way,"

"But how, you know we can't go back in there or else that man may see us again. We have to think of something." I paced the floors, cracking my brain for an idea.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now