Part Two (Resumption)

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Part Two

    Bella's POV

The little cornflakes I had for breakfast this morning is suddenly making me feel like I would puke.

I was on my way to the new school I'll be attending for this year and my dad's taking me in his car. A black, neat Lexus jeep. I pulled at the collar of my sky-blue long sleeve uniform shirt to give me access to receive the cool breeze from the airconditioner. I hung the dark blue and red stripped blazer on the headrest of the backseat of the car.

The school uniform is beautiful and corporate. The  sky-blue long sleeve shirt with navy blue trousers for males, or skirts for females. Navy blue and red stripped blazer for the females and navy blue suit with red tie, for males.

"This school is one of the best, outstanding and prominent schools in Lagos and even Nigeria. You'll like it here, trust me." Dad remarks as he navigates the vehicle to wherever this school is located.

That the school is the best does not calm my nerves. This is the first time in my entire life that I had to transfer or change school and it's all because of my parents. I kept mum while we continued the journey.

Eventually, it seems we've arrived because above the big yellow almost golden gate, is the name 'Great Citizens' Hall ', inscribed in large uppercase letters.
The security man who greeted my dad in vernacular language, smiled at me and opened the gate for us. 

The school is like really big, the spacious field for sports is located by the left, a long bungalow located by the right and the garage for parking cars in the middle. Another small gate separated this part of the school from the part that had larger structures I would call the classrooms. 

"Let's get you settled in before first lecture starts." Dad switched off the ignition and unlocked both our seatbelts. I slowly opened the door because I'm silently praying for a miracle that will prevent me from going any further.

I could lie about having stomach upset but as soon as the thought came into my mind, I spotted the clinic not too far from the small gate.

Another security guy at the small gate let us into the compound. There I saw the two large building on both sides of the compound facing each other. The narrow pathway of the building on the right led up to the stairs where the Administration block is located.

 After the brief interaction  with the Principal which took place in his too-cold-for-comfort white painted office, dad settled the bills and gave me my allowance before leaving.

The secretary, stout and light skinned wearing a pair of glasses whom the principal requested to attend to me and help me find my class, handed me a paper which contains my class name SS3B and the name of my form master, Mr Oledeyi Ntulim.

Thankfully, she didn't ask a lot of probing questions as my patience is running low. She only asked for my last result sheet and personal details and receipts of payments which I readily offered just so I could leave her presence as soon as possible. She doesn't give me the welcome vibe.
Since I didn't know my way around the school she instructed a junior student, I guess so because he's putting on navy blue shorts instead of long trousers and short sleeve shirt, to direct me to SS3B class.

Did I forget to mention that the hallway(passage) where Dad and I walked through led to other buildings.The three building surrounded the school in a four corner style, the space in the centre is covered by well trimmed grass. There are few structures afar and below the administration block built for shade.

   I thought we were going to head downstairs but the boy directing me turned to the left moving in the opposite direction from the principal's office. We turned the corners twice before he brought me to the second door of the highest floor directing facing the administration block.
  The journey from the principal's office to wherever this boy is taking me to is not easy, my legs hurt due to the journey and the buildings are so lengthy.

"Here's SS3B " the boy said.

"Thank you." I smiled so sweetly at him but my heart was pounding vigorously in my chest. I felt nauseous all of a sudden, beads of sweat formed on my forehead and my stomach became heavy for nothing.

Nnenna's POV.

  We've finally arrived to SS3A classroom. From outside, I could see that a teacher was speaking to the students cause the class was really quiet.

  "Here is our class," Deborah the girl who brought me said. I met her at the gate where my Mum and I were asking directions from the security man, it was then she intervened and said she'd help.

Her long hair is plaited in corn rows, her skirt so neat and short but not too tight. She's carrying a big black HP backbag and her ankle white stockings which barely showed was a nice match for the black plain shoes she's wearing. Looking at her, I wondered how I'll look when I start wearing mine.

  We entered the quiet classroom to see that a teacher was indeed addressing some students.

“Madam Deborah, nice to have you here again." The teacher on sighting us, referred to the girl I came in with.
“Good morning Aunty." Deborah and I greeted, simultaneously.

“Ah, and you're a new student right?"

“Yes ma." I replied giving her the written note that the principal gave me.

“ I see, go and take a seat. You're lucky you met me in time. I'm Mrs Omotola Tunde the form mistress of this class, you're welcome."

  " Thank you ma.”

“And yes, meet me during break period let's complete your registration”.

"Okay ma.” I replied, going into the class searching for an unoccupied seat and a desk.
I settled down on the third seat in the second row, it's behind this girl Deborah.

   "So class bring out your notes let's see how far we can go today in the topic 'Civil Service'.” The teacher  scribbled Civic Education on the board.

Just then few other students joined us and that was when I saw the girl again.  Plump,average in height, fair in complexion and her short black hair is also plaited in corn rows. 
I saw her in the Principal's office with her dad(I think).

   So I'm guessing I'm not the only new student and that's a good thing, Isn't it?.

Who likes being a newbie?
I know I don't
Can we please share our first experience as first timers in school or elsewhere. I'll reply you with mine.

  As usual, thanks for reading, try to vote and comment…… please it brightens my day 🎆🎆🎆

Yours sincerely
Amyirechi 🌸

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