Part Forty-five (Heartbreak 💔)

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Part Forty-five

A/N: Before you continue, please note that Nnenna and Bella are not the same person. I get that question a lot...

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Nnenna's POV

As I got dressed for school today, in my uniform, I couldn't help the permanent smile that has been etched on my face since this morning, or better still, since last night.
I removed David's number from the blacklisted contacts in Gold's phone that I had left it for quite some time, and decided to call him. From the moment we became a thing, he's been wondering why I don't call any longer and why he can't get through the number whenever he called. I didn't have the nerve to tell him that I blacklisted his number, so I kept giving him febble excuses.

We had a long conversation over the phone, he made some of his snarky comments and jokes that as usual, melted my heart. I couldn't wait to finally see him again today. We—the science students—had our last science paper today before our general final subject. We would be writing chemistry objective paper today, which was before our final subject— Fishery, as long as WASSCE was concerned. I decided that I would finally give in to him, I would let our relationship out in the open because I know it will make him happy. Also, I would be happy if people knew we were together, so those girls that flock around him would let him be.

“Eleven thirty...oh! I hope I make it in time.” I said out loud when I saw the time. Chemistry paper starts by twelve fifteen and I needed to be in school and get settled in before the examination starts.

I put my textbook, jotter and pen in my small bag in a hurry, then dashed out the door of my room. Mother was going through some files on the center table in the living room when I walked in on her. “Mum, I'm about leaving for my exam,”

“Okay my dear, do you have any money with you?” she asked, a question I've become tired of answering. I don't know why she would always ask me that when she rarely gives me allowance money.

“No,” I replied. I did have some money that I've saved up but I won't tell her that, because I know she won't give me any today if she knew I had.

She sighed softly in exasperation and handed me two-hundred naira note she took out from her purse. I thanked her and left. I navigated my footsteps straight to school, I wasn't the type to galavant around anyway. Once I arrived at the gate, I caught a glimpse of David. I just knew he was the one because he had this habit of crossing his bag over his shoulders and his customized walking posture. I passed greetings to the security guard and put my head up, walking in confident strides past David and headed towards the exam hall.

“Father's mother,” Dinma called me, as she usually would. Waving to me from her seat. I smiled and made my way to her.

“Hi,” I greeted her and everyone gathered around her, with same smile plastered on my face. “Studying, I see” I gestured towards the books placed on their desks.

“Can anyone study more than you?” she taunted.

“Oh come on, anyways I just glanced through but paid most attention to the elements and their characteristics.” I replied before taking in everyone in the class, very slowly. In honesty, I was stalling by talking with Dinma and others because I wanted the supervisor to get settled in, so I won't have to talk to David.
Once the supervisor took her seat, I sat down on the chair just across from her desk. With me seated in front and facing her directly, David wouldn't have the courage to talk to me.

As I went over my notes and textbook, David walked in with his group of friends, Hassan included. As they walked by me, I looked at them— hoping to catch David's gaze, and like I wanted, he looked at me for a nanosecond, but unlike him to pass me a smile whenever our eyes met, he simply looked away and walked away with his friends. My smile faltered and just in time, I saw Hassan, he smiled at me before walking away like his friend did. I was stunned for words, I couldn't fathom what made David ignore me like that. I wondered, was he really that angry with my decision to keep our relationship a secret.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now