Part Twenty-six (Perfect family indeed)

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•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•Bella's POV

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Bella's POV

Shock was clearly written on her face, she did not expect this. Well, even I never expected that she'll turn out to be the daughter Ms Angela always spoke about. Now I regret not paying full attention while she spoke about her daughter, I would have gotten a clue.

The almighty Daphne Okoro of GCH could have a very meek and humble lady for a mother. I remember dad saying that it was her attitude and humility that got his attention. Ms Angela works as a receptionist in my dad's hotel and that's where they met.

"Aunt you should have told me that you were coming too soon, I thought we'll be seeing each other on Christmas Eve?" I deliberately overlooked Daphne's presence in order to spite her.

"Blame your dad for the change of plans_"

"Mom do you know her?" She suddenly got her tongue back, enough to ask such ridiculous question.

"Yes dear. I've told you about her haven't I?" Ms Angela replied, completely unaware of the eye-rolling battle between us.

"You must be kidding me. She's the same girl who I told you contested for Smart and Beautiful girl in GCH, she's the one who went home with the crown." Daphne reported.

Ms Angela's mouth hung open in surprise and she looked at me who's standing by her left hand side.

"Do you remember the contest I told you that I will be participating in school?" I asked her.

She nodded her head and then slowly closed and opened her eyes in realization. She must have remembered that it was the contest I spoke to her about, the same one she couldn't help me with but gave me an advice which helped me win. It's just sad that she helped in something that defeated her own daughter, I don't know how I would feel if my mother had a hand in my downfall.

"You helped her with the contest, you helped her win the crown. That's why you prepared my favourite dishes and pretended to console me, you were only doing it so I don't know what you were up to and how you backstabbed me with this fre*k." Her outburst was something I expected but speaking to her mom with such disdain is what I couldn't fathom.

"Dahnne! Mind your language," she reprimanded the blabbing girl. "You're a guest here, you need to be mindful of your actions."

"You know what... I'm done with this place, I'm leaving." She informed, looked at me with pure hatred in her eyes and then turned her back.

She's such a spoilt girl and it's definitely from her dad's side.

Mirian was just looking at us in amazement, she didn't interfere. But why would she when I've told her my encounters with Daphne from day-one. Her royal majesty left the sitting room and made her way to the balcony, she was just about to step out of the exit door of the house and her mom was closely behind her when the big black gate opened. It's automatic and only family members who have the remote control can open it, so I guess dad's home.

Daphne stopped her movement, I'm guessing she wants to see what new drama would unfold. The navy blue Venza came to a stop by the left side of the building, Aboy who's our security man and driver, ran out of his quarters to greet my dad and perhaps carry his luggage.
When dad came out of the car I ran to hug him and welcome him to a new home. Note the sarcasm, new home.

Daphne must have recollected herself, she squared her shoulders and continued walking towards the gate. Her mother followed behind her of course, not to leave with her but to talk some sense into her. Dad who was still holding me by the shoulders, looked at me and nodded his head in the mother-and-daughter direction. "She's Ms Angela's daughter," I confirmed,

"You knew they were coming today."

"Ahh, so she's her daughter. Beauty must be in the blood then." He rubbed his shin. Typical of my father to find everyone beautiful, but I think in this case he's smitten with Angela so he'll find everything about her beautiful.

His forehead creased when he saw that they were arguing over something. "What's the problem?" He asked me about it.

"The girl wants to go home but her mom's trying to convince her to stay."

"Why does she want to go?"

"Apparently, she's the girl whom I defeated in the contest that took place in school. We have never been on good terms before so I understand that she can't bear staying around me."

"That's nonsense! I'll talk to them." He left my side and walked towards them. After he spoke with them for a while, he turned towards Aboy are said aloud,
   "No one leaves this house today, get it?"

"Yes Oga." Aboy answered.

He took Angela by the wrist and started walking into the house, she looked back at her daughter twice, in total pity and helplessly. If I had my phone with me, I would have taken a photo of Daphne's face right now. She looked so pale, helpless and frustrated.

I walked up to where she stood.

"My dad's a nice man but you wouldn't like him when he's been pushed to the wall, I'd advice you to clip your wings yourself while you stay with us. We don't have to pretend to get along but we can't be openly hostile towards each other either. I've asked a request from my dad and one wrong move I'll lose it, don't spoil things for me."

She raised one of her brows in mockery to my request.

"The theme for this year's Christmas party at dad's hotel is 'Our Perfect Family', for all our sakes, let's try to portray ourselves as one." I said to her with a note of finality and began walking back into the house.

I had really high hopes for this year's Christmas but it seems that girl and her negative vibes has come to crush it for me, I won't let that happen. If I have to put aside our differences and pretend just for dad's sake, I'll willingly do it. I'll try to be the perfect family for the perfect Christmas.

'The perfect family indeed.' My subconscious mind said.


I know this chapter didn't really give out any vibes and I apologize. I just wanted to write down something for someone out there ❤.

Like I promised... Happy Birthday to my Gemini prince 🤴 Dera_Keliosi , live long and healthy and happy.

Thanks for 5k reads guys. Stay safe, happy and healthy, remember to wash your hands.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now