Part Thirty-Eight (Red Signal)

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Part Thirty-Eight



By the time I arrived home, I was done thinking over what played out between Nnenna and I. Yes I was angry, angry that Nnenna found it difficult to get out of the friend zone with me.

She'd finally accepted my proposal and now she's my girlfriend, but I feel she's still finding it hard to let herself get close enough. I can't remember experiencing such resistance in my previous relationships. Girls were always the ones to force themselves on me, it has never been the other way around until Nnenna came.

I admit to myself that when I first crossed paths with her, I never liked her. Her very presence irked me, and I didn't like it at all when she became the leader of my project team. But after spending and getting to know her, I realized I made a really big mistake. She's actually a very nice person and I enjoy spending time with her.

I suddenly began to regret acting the way I did when I said goodbye to her. Instead of being understanding and supportive, I was selfish and more concerned about myself, I never bade her a proper goodbye before I left in anger.

I brought out my Techno spark 5 Android from my duffel bag and dialed her number. It was switched off. I remembered she told me that the number belongs to her neighbor, perhaps this wasn't the right time to talk to her. I decided that I'll let her be for now, we'll just talk in school when we have the next paper. The thought made me take a look at my exam timetable, the next paper would be next week Tuesday, that was too long for me to wait.

Tomorrow I would go to her house, I have to talk to her and settle things between us. Having decided that, I walked towards the direction of my room with Ikenna. Thankfully, he is not back from school, I can get some moment of peace.

I connect my phone to the charger and leave it to charge, then I started peeling the uniform from my body. Tossing them in the laundry basket, I went in search of comfortable clothes to wear at home. I chose my black shorts and a white sleeveless polo - the polo hugged my biceps showing my packs - one of my favorite clothes.

After I've eaten and filled the water drums in the house, I picked up my English textbook to read through. I know that Tuesday was five days from today, but I needed to have a reason to see Nnenna tomorrow. I don't think she's the type of girl who would be happy that I decided to visit for no reason at all. So, pretending that I have a question that's bugging me would work on her, and probably, her mother too.

I was swiping through the pages of the book when a knock sounded on the main door. The sound was faint, if I was not awake I wouldn't have heard it. I've mentioned to mother to have the doorbell fixed, but she isn't one to listen to issues like this until they affect her personally.

There are only two houses in my small compound. Actually, the are duplexes; ours and that of our neighbour. The two were built of same design and standard, but right now, our neighbour's house is looking newer than ours because they painted theirs just last year. I can't remember when my parents took any house maintenance measure, whatever damages, remains the same until a careless money is available.

Musing to myself, I slowly walked to the door. I peeked through the eyehole to see whoever was knocking, because he or she definitely wasn't my mother, brother or father, I know how they knocked. I saw Wade standing before the door, rocking on his heels. He has a habit of doing that whenever he's nervous, I wondered what he came for this time.

I unlocked the door and opened before he knocked again. Wade is one of the sons of our neighbour and the last child actually, he's just two years older than I, but he acts immature most times. So, a lot of people always take him for granted, all the time.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now