Part Forty (Turning wheels)

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Part Forty


Daphne's POV

I felt someone tapping my leg and calling out my name. I mumbled a reply thinking it was a dream, but the person did not stop. I got irritated and was about to shout profanities or even scream at that person, when I jerked up and realized that I've been sleeping.

"Ugochi get up," mother called me by my native name. I hated that name, but mom wouldn't hear of it.

"" I mumbled before sitting up. I wondered was what her reason for waking me up at six fifty-seven in the morning, whatever it was, it had better be worth it.

I sat up straight on my bed, straightened out the pink nightie I wore to sleep before finally acknowledging my mother.

"Good morning ma,"

"Ehn, I have to tell you something, it's important." She started, not even accepting my greeting in a proper way.

Nigerian parents ehh.

"Okay..." There was no need to refuse her or even grumble at her command, else I'll get it hot this morning.

Without any more moment of hesitation, she started "Well, it's about Mr Esan and his daughter, Bella."

I was playing with my fingers, but stopped when she mentioned the name I was beginning to despise so much, with each passing day. I looked up at her, perhaps she wasn't serious, or she was playing me for a fool. Then it crossed my mind that today was the first day in the month of April. I quirked my brows at her.

"What?!" She rasped.

"I won't be a fool in this new month, go and find another victim mummy."

"What do you mean by that, who do you think is joking here." Her voice raised slightly, meaning that anger was about to suffice.

That caused my own temper to start rising. She woke me up, after a long night yesterday just to get me annoyed.

"Is this not April fool that you're doing me?" I lowered my voice, just so the anger won't be noticed.

"Mtcheww_" she began chuckling after that. The tense atmosphere finally clearing off.

"No," she continued "what I meant is that we'll be going over to their place to spend some time."

"What...why?" I asked, fuming in anger.

"Listen, the earlier you learn to accept them as family, the better things can become."

"Don't tell me we're going to spend the Easter holiday with them as well, because it's even too early for that." I was compelled to roll my eyes at her, but I controlled myself not to.

"Bella needs a shoulder to lean on during this period, her father would be away and though she's supposed to leave with him, she can't, because of her exams." She placed a palm on my lap, as though she's comforting me.

"Hurry, pack the few essentials you'll be needing. We might stay until your exams are over, if her dad doesn't come home by then." She stood, walking towards the door, before I called out my next words.

"You don't need me there then, besides, it's not like I get along with her. There's only going to be one problem after another, I will rather stay here with Kachi." I said to her retreating figure.

"I didn't put it up for debating, before I finish having my bath, I expect you to be ready." She walked out of my room after that.

I was fuming as I folded some of my clothes into the ecolag travel box. I didn't even realize the things I was packing into the bag, but I know I put in my toiletries, makeup bag, body lotion and perfume.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now