Part Fifty-nine (Good-bye sucks)

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Part Fifty-nine


Hadith's POV

I knew my heart literally shattered at this point. Where did I get it wrong, to deserve all these misfortunes that I've been experiencing these past days.

First, I didn't receive any special award during our graduation ceremony, as though that wasn't enough, I didn't pass English language in the WAEC examination results that were recently released. San and I both checked our results on the same day. I remembered how nervous and anxious we both were when we locked ourselves in his room with our mom's laptop.

I checked his results first and they were all excellent. Two A's, three B's and four C's. His mind became at peace after that, so he offered to do the same for me.

“Civic A1, Literature B3... Agric B2... English...” he stopped talking.

I opened my eyes to look at him. My brows perked in anticipation.

“English what?” I had said.

“You failed English Dith,” he had announced.

My heart sunk into my stomach. I was breathless for approximately five seconds.

That happened seven days ago and three days after our graduation. I felt like a disappointment. My parents weren't happy about my results either. Mom had gotten over it, but dad took it so bad that he rarely responded to my greetings these days.

As if all that wasn't enough, I overheard Baba Sadiq, discussing his plans to take Hassan abroad with him so he can further his education there. They weren't concerned about me and how I felt. Asides my parents, my twin brother was the only other family I had so much trust and faith in, someone I believed loved and cared for me truly. Suddenly they're taking him away from me as well. He was actually a very lucky guy then.

Mom already informed me, in her own way, of the change of the situation at hand. She also agreed that dad was not happy with my result and that I was going to put a lot of effort into earning his trust again. To do that, I had only one option.

Study fervently this time around, prepare to rewrite WASSCE and pass with better results next year. If possible, I can get the same offer and opportunity that was given to my twin. Without giving the whole thing much thought, I agreed to it.

I was given study materials of any kind. From notes and textbooks to past questions and video clips on all the subjects. I selected the nine subjects I was going to rewrite and began feasting on them. I gave it my all, I was dying to prove to my dad that I was serious about my academics this time. San, of course, helped me in so many ways and let out some tips that helped him. But, that was until he had to face his own life.

As the days went by, San became more busy than the previous day. Endless trips to the Embassy, surfing websites and compiling all documents to his name became his daily occupation. That was when it dawned on me that I was on my own in this battle. As much as he wanted to help, he wasn't going to be with me every step of the way.

Gradually, days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months and the time neared for San to leave. Fortunately for him, he passed the entrance examination to  College. Dad planned to throw a send-forth party for him but he humbly declined for reasons best known to him. Secretly, though, I liked that he declined because when our friends gathered they'd surely ask questions pertaining to my own academic plans. It was only David that knew about San's departure date and he promised to be available to help.

The night before he was to go with Baba Sadiq and his wife, daddy called us all out to the living room.

When we were all present and seated, he began in his gruff, elderly voice.

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