Part Twelve (Personal view)

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Part Twelve


Peace's POV

  I noticed Daphne passed hateful looks at me, honestly I don't know what's going on in her mind, I didn't do nothing wrong. Or perhaps she is expecting me to walk out too just like the others did but I'd never dare that.
I didn't come all the way here just to go back in a few minutes and waste T-fare, added to the fact that my mother wouldn't believe I had gone for a school project, she'd think I lied.

  I stood my ground until she made the first move and began to walk away. I followed suit, determined to make the most of today.

She turned and looked at me like I had suddenly grown two heads, "Why are following me?" She asked.

   "And who told you I am?" I denied, deciding to play the dumb girl. She just continued walking and I continued following her.

 When she arrived at the exit door of the mall, she stopped a cab and got in but before she could close the door, I held it ajar and entered too. Her eyes told me what her mouth could have said. She's probably wondering how on Earth I'm heading to same destination as hers. I ignored her stares instead and minded my own business, then she gave instructions to the driver.

 Few minutes later, we arrived at a huge mansion and the driver stopped the car in front of the big black gate. Daphne paid the fare but before she asked for her change, I spoke up. "Uhm...Mister, I'm with her so take money for two." Daphne's eyes became so huge, I thought she was possessed by an evil spirit.

 "What?!" She didn't have the opportunity to complete that sentence as the driver already handed over her change.
  "What is the meaning of this?" She asked me, her nose already took the shade pink. 
I honestly don't know where I gathered the courage to speak to Daphne like this, like she is my best friend. From what I learnt about our classmates, she isn't the easiest person to get along with but I plan not to let her deter me with her rude attitude.

"Well, it does mean something doesn't it? I came with you to your house and I'm very well aware that this isn't how to treat a visitor, you're supposed to..."

 "Don't tell me what I'm supposed to and supposed not to do, I didn't give you an invitation so I don't give a fudge. I really hope you know your way out cause I'm not about to show you the way" She said and started walking into the big white building with black gate. I followed her head to tail. She called out a name, I'm guessing the security man's name.

 He appeared and opened the gate for us, I smiled at him and he replicated it, perhaps he doesn't get much of it around here.
Daphne continued her journey upstairs while I took my time to stare, the interior deco is so wow, I didn't have any adjective to describe it. Few seconds later, though I don't know how long I spent looking around, a young girl appeared. She could be around my age.

"Good havternoon ma." She said or at least that's how it sounds to me. I could tell she comes from either Calabar or Akwa Ibom.
"Good afternoon. Please call me Peace." I told her.

"Okay, abeg Peace settle down make I get you something. Wetin you go like?" She asked.
I swear I couldn't believe my ears, is this what Daphne experiences every day. Like I could ask for anything and get it, it's so tempting but I couldn't forget my manners. I kindly asked for water which she nodded to in response and left.

Soon after, she came back with a plastic can of water, a cup of juice and pancakes on a tray. I couldn't refuse the offer, so I helped myself.
After I finished and started watching one American movie on the television, I heard Daphne's voice.

"You're still here?"


Nnenna's POV

  "Hmmm, finally we're done for the day." Yewande said while she gathered her books.

"Yea and besides, the school library closes at three so wouldn't have still stayed as long," Kenneth replied matter-of-fact.

"Guys I'm so hungry." Yewande said again.

  "Is that a way to tell us, you want someone to treat you?" Ken said too.

"You may not know but I didn't mean it like that, but since you've said such, I don't mind. Who's going to treat me?" She asked expectantly.
David just scoffed and began arranging his notes too. I'm even surprised he didn't make this gathering difficult.

 "Fine, my treat. Who's coming?" Kenneth said and everyone in the group raised their hands, I wasn't used to being close to people so reluctantly, I raised mine too. "We head to Madam Hots' spot."

Madam Hots' spot is located few metres from our school.


"Wow, thank you Ken. You really are a darling," Yewande smiled wildly at him.

"Oh please," Ken rolled his eyes, "I might be tempted to propose you to become my girlfriend if you use that sentence on me again."

   " propose you to..." Hassan bursted into laughter after pointing out Ken's mistake and everyone followed suit, David laughed too but his expression became stoic shortly later.

We cleaned ourselves and got our stuffs ready to leave.

"Hey, you did great back there," Hassan told me while we walked.

 "Where exactly, at restaurant or library? " I said.

  He chuckles before replying, "The library. I didn't expect you to possess such leadership skills, don't take my words too personal though."

   "No problem but thanks for the compliment." I said and we continued in silence until he started making random jokes, I laughed to the funny ones and just smiled to the not-funny-ones, I really enjoyed the walk home more than anything and for the first time since we were paired as a group, I'm thankful to be in this group.


First I'm sorry for the late update guys, school's kept me busy.

I know you might also be busy with your lives but I'll appreciate the support.

  Check out my newest book titled  'One Day With Him' . Thank me later after you have..

I love you 💓😊

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now